GameRager: I'm pretty sure they said I should file a I did. I also emailed paypal
asking what I should do.....
not asking to file a dispute with paypal as well for the time being, but asking if I should(being careful of the wording I found from others is important). I also told paypal in the email that I already filed a claim with my bank and told them the amoiunt in fees I was charged so far because of this, hoping to land a sympathetic(probably not but I can hope, right? :\) ear this holiday season at paypal.
If that fails i'm hoping the bank will reverse the overdrafts and the charge and helpe me out.(They did it once years back on another charge from a non-paypal thing that wasn't authorized by me.)
orcishgamer: Paypal won't deal with you if you've filed a claim with your bank, their issue is now between the bank and you. The bank is your lawyer and Paypal is "self-representing" (sort of).
They likely won't respond to you, if they do, ignore it, you can only hurt your case if you say the wrong thing, but most likely you'll be okay.
Also I didn't even know that the MS charges would be recurring or the service would last beyond that first month. I just saw 10.86 coming from my account one month, and then found it had been recurring for a few months prior without my knowledge. I then cancelled recurring billing via paypal's interface(thinking this would stop them from taking any more money and that they could keep the lousy 30ish they took so far because I didn't want to have to deal with M$ partially...etc). Does this help my case any with the bank claim situation?
I also found out (an aside here) that when filing the bank claim that I had opted in to allow charges to go through on my account even in times when it would put me under because I had clicked a button concerning overdraft practices on my web account panel a year or so back thinking it was some sort of overdraft protection(it was very poorly worded in that regard.) I cancelled that right away I can tell you that much. Hopefully that will help from them allowing overdrafts/me to spend when my account is under in the future.
orcishgamer: EDIT: Also, your bank (specifically your home branch manager) is well within his power to reverse those bank fees, no matter whether you end up owing the 10.95 or whatever. Apologize, explain the situation and ask that he reverse all but the first fee (25 bucks or whatever), yeah it's not fair, but it beats the hell out of 150 bucks in fees. This is ONLY AFTER the dispute has been decided by your bank.
So I should wait until after the dispute has been decided and if it fails I should ask the manager what? If they can reverse the charges? Give them a sob story or just ask matter-of-factly like I was asking them a normal question/assistance?
Also should I get my account in the green in the meantime? I'm worried if I don't and they deny my claim i'll be out more fees if I don't square it right away. Not saying I can do this easily just if I should if I can.