No, I haven't played the perfect game, sadly. However, I've played games that have done certain aspects so well as to seem perfect. Bioshock as a near-perfect plot, with plenty of subtlety, symbolism, and fridge brilliance to go along with the shock and intrigue. The Metroid series (for me, particularly Prime) do atmosphere extremely excellently, portraying lush alien forest alongside bleak ruinous civilizations. No More Heroes (while somewhat choppy) has a superb style, with every level theme, boss, and power-up contributing to the schizophrenic pop Suda51 is so well known for. Fallout 3 (once again, in my opinion) was the most immersive, seeing as I've probably clocked in over 500 hours in its bleak, hazard-filled wasteland. As far as gameplay is concerned, I guess it would depend on the genre. Finally, my favorite game, Paper Mario, isn't perfect by a long shot (its pretty short and shallow for an RPG, especially considering it followed the beast that was Super Mario RPG), however, it definitely has the best aesthetic I've ever seen in a game, lending it to be the most purely enjoyable game I've ever played. It has a kind of kaleidoscopic color scheme that never fails to please, and every character model and animation is just so fuckin' cute! Also, the music is too catchy to describe here (I still can hum the title theme from memory). In short, there is no such thing as a perfect game, and there probably never will be. However, I think some games can do certain aspects
almost perfectly.
jefequeso: So, I won't post any of the pseudo-philosophical musings I have on the subject. I'll just say that if it's possible for a videogame to be perfect, then Doom is perfect, and anyone who disagrees obviously hasn't pseudo-philosophically mused enough.
I agree that if any game is so succinct and beautifully designed, it is Doom. It has aged the best out of any "retro" game I can think of, and it is still a blast to play. Not to mention, it can be modded to hell and back. Definitely not a "perfect" game (seeing as we both agree that label is too subjective to be substantially meaningful), yet if one was to study how to make a game that lasts well, Doom would be an excellent example.