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Bah! Forgot to mention Septerra Core...
Licurg: Bah! Forgot to mention Septerra Core...
I'm enjoying that so far. It's great that all characters have voices, and the characters/combat is fine. Music is ambient (maybe a bit too much) but it's definitely a good game.
Off the top of my head:

Lands of Lore series
Ultima series
Arx Fatalis
and many more...
Quite a few. Even though I'm 30 my gaming didn't really ramp up until around 2007, so GOG has introduced me to lots of titles that I missed during my earlier years. Some of my favorites from among that list:

Master of Magic
Age of Wonders series
Disciples 2
Gothic 1&2
Freespace 2
Beyond Good and Evil
Prince of Persia (SoT)
Evil Genius
Crusader series
realMyst/Uru-- I put these two together because I enjoyed them both for the same reason: not some much as games, but as experiences. Beautiful visuals and good puzzles. I don't think Myst is the gloriously epic adventure game that some people make it out to be, but considering I often get bored with adventure games, I guess it's saying something about the game that it kept me playing until the end.

Septerra Core-- I haven't finished it (odd circumstances that occurred at the time I was playing it made me take a short break from gaming and I didn't finish it when I came back), but what I played was great. I liked the story and the setting, and the combat didn't really put me off.

Arx Fatalis-- I had played the demo long before I ever got the game, and I wasn't too impressed with it. However, I got it during a promo and have since played it twice. Definitely rough around the edges, and it seems like it could be a bit unfair for some builds, it was quite enjoyable throughout.

Arcanum-- The big one. I got this game last summer (I think), a bit worried that I might not like it. Many people compared it to Fallout, which I have never really enjoyed very much. However, I was quite surprised. The setting is incredible, I found the gameplay and story to be quite good, and the sheer number of builds, while a bit daunting, makes for a game that can be quite different each time it is played.
I always had a solid knowledge about late 90's games - thanks to a combination of not having money (and having to buy old games on bargain bins and magazines) and crappy computers - but GOG showed me a lot of gems.

The ones I discovered and played:
- Tex Murphy series
- Little Big Adventure series
- Master of Magic
- Star Control 2
- Patrician 3

Others that I got (because they seen awesome) but I have yet to play:
- Master of Orion 1+2
- Betrayal of Krondor
- Jagged Alliance 1

There's a lot of stuff on my wishlist that I didn't know before joining GOG, some of my top wishes are games that I never played and discovered here.
I only have two (and the other one isn't even that old) + two debatable out of my collection of 37 GOGs. Hey, I'm mostly a nostalgia guy, therefor most of my games are ones I've played in the past. Although I have a couple of new ones too in there. But anyway,

-Broken Sword 1. Got this for free when GOG, for a limited time, gave it away for free. Now, I have played BS 3 or 4 (can't remember which) in the past, but never BS 1. But when I finally played it, I really, REALLY liked it and would even go so far as to say it's my favorite point 'n click adventure game of all-time. Without GOG I don't think I would've ever noticed this gem.
-Alien Shooter 2; perhaps not so much because of GOG, but a friend recommended it a year ago so I bought it. While it was nothing unbelievably spectacular, I still liked it a lot. But, if there was no, I probably would have never played this one either.

Now the debatable ones are the Icewind Dale games. I had played IWD2 back when it was fresh, but for some reason (maybe the early difficulty plus me not studying the AD&D rules beforehand) I quit the game early and barely made past Targos. The enthusiasm of certain individuals of the GOG community however made me want to give the game another shot not long ago, but this time I also had the manual to go with it. So, I read it thoroughly and only after then started the game. And it was really, really good, I enjoyed it from the beginning to end. I got IWD1 yesterday, and although I'm only two hours in, that game looks really good as well (IWD1 I hadn't played in the past at all, mind you). These D&D games are looking to be so wonderful, I'm considering buying and trying out Baldur's Gate too after I'm done with IWD1. Yeah, it's true, I've never played BG. A huge gap in my general gaming knowledge, apparently. But anyway, I guess it's thanks to GOG why I've recently gotten into these best-known D&D games.
kaileeena: I buy most old games on GOG that I already played before...
Same here, but as far as GOG introducing a gem for the first time I'll go with Sanitarium. Excellent title made playable on a modern OS. I'd been aware of it for years on the periphery, but GOG got me to play it. Same thing with the old castle-building sim Stronghold, since I was a big Castles 1/2 fan as a kid.

I was already a big fan of old-school Origin and Sierra long before GOG was a glint in a Pole's eye, but buying and playing the DVD version of WCIV with the much higher-resolution cutscenes and the CD version of Betrayal at Krondor with the symphonic soundtrack were truly "gems" of an experience.
I only have two games on GOG that I had already had some previous experience with, and which were not free. Out of the GOG games that I've purchased and taken for a good spin, these were old games that were clearly good, and which I would probably not have played had I not bought them here:

Realms of Arkania
Realms of the Haunting
Master of Magic (just begun to scratch the surface on this one)
Wing Commander 3 (though I had previous experience with the series in the form of 1, 2 & 5)
Arx Fatalis
Advent Rising
Freespace series
Might & magic series (had a good amount of HoMM experience, but before GOG I had only played M&M 6, and I disliked it. I still dislike it)
Tyrian 2000

And quite a few are sitting on my shelf, awaiting their time in the spotlight.
Post edited September 11, 2012 by AFnord
Let me see........

VTM: Redemption
Lands of Lores series
Krondor series
Duke series
Alien Breed
Blood series
King of Dragon Pass

These are those games I would really had never known their existence or thought about playing them at all without getting here.
Strangely not that I can think of. Most games that interest me I already had an eye on and/or played back in the day, there's very few that passed me by that I feel like I want to play. JA2 might have been but I didn't realize that one until I played JA: Back in Action so that wasn't GOG introducing me to it.
I've seen very few (if any) GOG games that I didn't at least know about before, I even knew (and owned) "unknown gems" like e.g. King of Dragon Pass, Anachronox and Sacrifice before coming to GOG... but some GOG games I've dismissed before for a reason or another, and only the general praise from GOG forums has rekindled my interest to them.

Games like:

Pharaoh, Zeus, Caesar 3: I guess I missed any praise for these originally back in the day, and dismissed them as some kind of derivative and uninteresting Simcity clones. It could be also because they came out in a time I was too keenly looking for 3D acceleration support in PC games, so any strategy/tactical games with oldie 2D graphics were quite often dismissed, unless your name was Starcraft.

Only much later I found out that historical games can be great fun too, thanks to mainly Age of Empires series I guess which I liked much more than I thought I would.

Theme Hospital: probably the same reason as above. Also the setting didn't sound too insteresting to me: run a humorous hospital, ha ha.

I guess I am nowadays more open to also games like these.
Post edited September 11, 2012 by timppu
muffblaster: snip
Licurg: -Realms of Arkania 3
-Outcast (don't like it that much, but I know what an excellent game looks like)

BTW, have YOU played Sacrifice yet? It's an amazing masterpiece, and you MUST play it.
Thanks for the tip. im gonna look now :)
mondo84: Tex Murphy. Knew about the games all along, just never was able to come around to playing them.
Good Times :)
thos games look interesting.
Zurin Arctus: Damn right it has. My vintage gaming roots were fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look upon it) all set up here at GOG.

Ultima, Baldur's Gate, Fallout, Gothic, Betrayal at Krondor and many more that I plan to get once I clear my backlog.
fantastic! you gotta love these old games :)
lol :)
I always had a solid knowledge about late 90's games - thanks to a combination of not having money (and having to buy old games on bargain bins and magazines) and crappy computers - but GOG showed me a lot of gems.

yep! thats me too lol

thanks for all the responses.
its made good reading.
Post edited September 11, 2012 by muffblaster
Yes, yes! I never played Wing Commander games before GOG, and they are just one of the best things that happened to me.
Fallout series. FO1 actually being the first RPG I ever played.
Gorky 17
Original War
Crusader series

I still have a huge backlog here.