I'm self employed, so doesn't count - and could not count in that aspect towards future employment prospects.
My online appearence, however, can lead to some clients not wanting me. That's their own problem though as the person they hire is likely to charge twice as much and be half as talented according to history thus far.
I often wonder "Should I have posted that?" - then i remember that my branding is built around the idea you'll get an honest deal, an honest person and none of the arse licking crap and lies that go with the vast majority of business profiles on SocMed sites.
I'd rather give the client a taste of who I am and exactly what I wont put up with than have another freeloader try and take up my limited time when i could be putting food on my table (see attached as a "memetic" example).
Of course, the last time I was employed by another person or company exclusively, MySpace was in the infant stages - so none of this level of scrutiny / surveillance or invasion of privacy.
it was always policy at ALL the companies (small and large - and even in the case of my clients) to NOT mix work with home life - this extends to my current thinking / outlook and being.
Much as I consider some clients as friends through long years, they only have knowledge of the parts of my life I CHOOSE to let them in on.
If your employer does not respect you enough to respect your privacy, and you dont respect yourself enough to maintain that online where needed... where does that leave you?!
(thats a genuine question btw for anyone reading this).
you were only a day younger yesterday webcam whore!