They've changed it to no subscription. Good they were asking WoW-esque subscriptions for a game that was a ripoff of WoW but truly awful. I played in the beta and that was awful. It wasn't just similar to WoW it used the same textures and UI but copied so someone had taken a screenshot and recreated it. It's the only game I've played were it felt like stealing by playing it with it (with the exception of the brief time I played a private WoW server before I was preprepared to sign up for the account I now have) actually feeling like playing on a poor private server for WoW.
If you think I'm exaggerating then consider this; until there was a big fuss, they had the same keyring icon WoW has. No keyrings feature in the game though and eventually it was just deleted. Their website still shows the key icon inthe old UI in an old screenshot. The worst part was dying and seeing the spirit healer (or their version of it) with all the same options complete with a greyscale screen and finding your corpse. Even the emotes were a straight ripoff.
Check out the screenshots on the Alganon website media page The new ones look different but they've left the old ones up with the original UI and the same colours/fonts as WoW. The graphics themselves are sub-warcraft but in the same style. So far from realistic.
They even copy other companies press releases:
Lastly, if you're still considering it then consider this; it's gone free to play after a very short time (~6 months ffs) for a reason. At least you can play the game now for less than it used to cost for one months fee.