Gersen: Not really, personally I would say that most of the time it simply imply stupidity... or at best laziness; most peoples (not just in the US, everywhere) refuses to see "problems" until it start biting their asses, and when it finally does the only thing they do is whine about how unfair it is and how nobody warn them.
StingingVelvet: Can't say I agree with that. When this country really cares about something they usually get motivated really quickly. The simple fact of the matter is that most people here are happy to watch their TV and part on the weekends and don't really care about this stuff.
When they care, you will know.
Both posters are correct about the U$A. Rhetorically: can the US survive another Great Depression? Do we have the nationalism to pull together, tighten our belt and remain a relatively free society or will we go the way of the "USSR." I believe we will be forced into a critical situation in about 4 years when China finishes their modernization and industrialization and starts to call the shots around the world. Rhetorically: so what? Do you care if your paycheck is signed by John Smith or Quan Yick Ng?
The U$A has always been about getting rich (or some level that the individual defines as such.) I was born just after WW2 and was taught by "the system;" get a good education, get a J-O-B, work very hard and long hours and you will get rrrrriiiiicccchhhh! I was fortunate to have educated parents and a business owning grandfather who set me straight.
The 11 children were raised to be entrepreneurs only taking employment when necessary. We were also never out of school (even in my sixties I have to keep up in my field.)
Now for today:
1- Voodoo Economics as foretold by King Bush I. The tax reforms that started in 1982 to promote business (with the pork attached of course) then to Tefra, Tamra basically and all of the other TRAs increased the bottom line and allowed the Int'l Multinational Banks to play games with reserves so as to borrow more money from the Federal Reserve than allowed by the Securities and Exchange Act of 1933. This boom in capital gave us the nineties' prosperity as we rushed headlong over a cliff.
2- King Bush II removed most of the controls the SEA '33 set; and with gov't permission to keep non-performing assets on the books as reserves! In addition he allowed US Currency come in from abroad to purchase a significantly higher percentage of our infrastructure (Farmland, Utilities, Minerals, Auto Industry, etc) and do to us what we have been doing to other US sponsored "Republics" for a Century. NOTE: To other bankers out there I am well aware that this is a simplification.
3- O_Bam_US_All I believe is sincere but doesn't really have a plan.
Osama Bin Ladin gave the facists in our society the excuse to suspend our civil rights. I have to travel with a passport in my own country since I live near the Canadian border and we have roadblocks all over the place from 4 separate agencies.
What can we do?
Start with dismantling the education system - It is exactly what we did to the NIS (Newly Independant States) after the collapse of the USSR. Get back to non-PC RRR and the trades. School year 12 months, Elemetary (state paid) K-6, High (state paid) 7-10; and anything higher will be up to the student or his family. Mandatory Gov't Service at age 16 unless in school until your 30th birthday. Two years military or paramilitary (police, border patrol, enviromental, etc) or Three years of Social Service either local, compartment (state) or Federal. BTW all of that so called foreign aid we gave to the NIS was in the form of managed credits for US products and with political strings attached.
Start thinking about writing your own paycheck! Though I retired recently I never joined SCORE because it also, was chock full of Politics. Over the past few years I have helped others set up over 800 small businesses - forget the SBA unless you can justify the need for 8 digits of investment and it does help to be a minority (whatever that is now defined as) or a woman.
Those who start now will have a head start on those who are as Singing Velvet has said "When they care you will know," and hope to God it isn't a right wing dictatorship that will force us to "care."