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Were games really that much harder back then? Disregarding games where most of the difficulty came from "false difficulty" (unfair things that you could not possibly predict, like an enemy suddenly appearing during a tricky jump, that will kill you the first time you do the jump), if you play modern games on harder difficulties they tend to be comparable to those old well designed hard games.

Anyway, Incubation still kicks my behind in all kinds of different embarrassing ways.

JoseWisemang: I can still remember that friggin hoverbike (scooter?) map in Battletoads that had a similar damn near impossible jump.... think i made it once.
So you never got to level 5? It's like level 3 (hoverbike), but worse. Never got past that one. Lots of it comes down to false difficulty though.
AFnord: Were games really that much harder back then? Disregarding games where most of the difficulty came from "false difficulty" (unfair things that you could not possibly predict, like an enemy suddenly appearing during a tricky jump, that will kill you the first time you do the jump), if you play modern games on harder difficulties they tend to be comparable to those old well designed hard games.

Anyway, Incubation still kicks my behind in all kinds of different embarrassing ways.

JoseWisemang: I can still remember that friggin hoverbike (scooter?) map in Battletoads that had a similar damn near impossible jump.... think i made it once.
AFnord: So you never got to level 5? It's like level 3 (hoverbike), but worse. Never got past that one. Lots of it comes down to false difficulty though.
Battletoads had a couple of those levels, one was in a sewer like area, but the one im talking about had like a red lavalike feel to it. (I MAY be confusing the jump with Battletoads&Double Dragons, but i dont think so)
The oldest game I've played? I remember my friend's older brother had an Atari 2600 which I played sometimes, this must have been back in ~1981. I don't recall any specific games though.

My family had a Colecovision a little after that, I remember Pitfall, River Raid and Zaxxon for that one (this would probably be ~1983).

Later we got a C=64, I had literally hundreds of games for that one.

Hardest game, I can't really say. But I remember never "completing" games, you just played it and tried to get a little farther each time!
Post edited December 21, 2013 by 01kipper
Hairyfiend: Hey there folks,

Enjoying my holiday time with the family, chilling inside with the really crappy weather out. Installing SS" with mods, and it had me thinking of the difficulty of games, and how nowadays they tend to be a lot easier than the older ones.

So my friends, think back to your childhood, and recount the oldest game you played (and on which system), and share it with us all.

So for myself, I would have to say the dizzy games on the C64, especially the first dizzy. One life, and you had to complete the game without being hit :(
Barbarian by Psygnosis. This 1987 game is insanely hard. Every level is full of many sneaky death traps and enemies that can instantly kill you. The controls were also horrible. I remember dying every 5 minutes and then I stopped playing the game.
Post edited December 21, 2013 by monkeydelarge
falster: Ninja gaiden on Xbox when it first came out, all hyped e.t.c dead excited, then you get that first blonde boss with nun chucks and then eventually you finally find out its actually just your sensei.....and that up to this point it was just a tutorial.....

Then you get on the air ship next level, and have that ruck on the roof with some massive robotic type fella.... I don't think I ever bothered getting past that.

Edit for grammar
I have played that game and completed it. It's probably the best console game I've played. :)

Some bosses are very hard though, really takes some time and practice to beat them.
Star Trek TNG (Echoes from the Past) on the Sega Genesis, lol. Some of the levels were quite difficult and confusing.

Not the hardest game by any means, but just a difficult game I remember beating without cheats and without any help or guides whatsoever.
Zork III, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Spellbreaker or one of several other Infocom text games. Some of those were really hard.
Or, more recently, Dark Souls. Yeesh!
Post edited December 21, 2013 by marsrunner
marsrunner: Zork III, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Spellbreaker or one of several other Infocom text games. Some of those were really hard.
Or, more recently, Dark Souls. Yeesh!
Dark Souls! So difficult!
Hairyfiend: Hey there folks,

Enjoying my holiday time with the family, chilling inside with the really crappy weather out.
I'm not enjoying the crappy weather either. It was in the 80's today...Global Warming at work. But I'm indoors playing Wasteland 2 and of course the forums.

As for my oldest game, that would have to be Pong on the Atari.
Post edited December 21, 2013 by jjsimp
AFnord: Were games really that much harder back then? Disregarding games where most of the difficulty came from "false difficulty" (unfair things that you could not possibly predict, like an enemy suddenly appearing during a tricky jump, that will kill you the first time you do the jump), if you play modern games on harder difficulties they tend to be comparable to those old well designed hard games.

Anyway, Incubation still kicks my behind in all kinds of different embarrassing ways.
I think they tended to have a steeper learning curve because they didn't have megabytes worth of disk space to take up. Most of the "hard" games I remember were ones like Zeliard where they used ridiculous game mechanics to make things hard. I would never have beaten that game without a map of the wind currents in that inferno level.

Also, because of the graphics, it was harder to hint people through the game.
One for me I haven't seen listed is Zelda 2.

It is the only Zelda game I've played that I wasn't able to beat without some kind of cheating like a Game Genie or save states.
Does anybody know of Rocky and Pocky? I had it back when for SNES.
Man, this game was tough. Played it about 2-3 years ago after finding it
again, and STILL couldn't beat it. Was only able to go a little further. :/
Oh well.
Zelda 2 wasn't so bad. I played alot other worse nes games that were more insanely difficult.

So yeah a couple games I remember were really difficult like alot of nes games such as Legend of Kage, Ninja Kid, and Ninja Gaiden although I loved the game as a kid and got to the very end only to die, that was brutal.

The C64 also had some tough games, such as Bard's Tale and early Ultima games, you really had to be careful and know what your doing. Some Aliens game based on the movie and Ardok and Kung Fu II

Almost any game before the instant save state generation of better yet before there were even written down passwords =P
Post edited December 22, 2013 by Briareos262
The hardest old school game I ever.played would be a tie between Dejavu and the original Final Fantasy on the Nintendo. I almost beat Final Fantasy, but died right at the ending boss. It was madness.
Asking a girl out on a date...