scampywiak: Battle Toads is the standard bearer for cheap game design. It's hard because it's cheap. There are much better hard games from that era: Bionic commando, Mega Man, Blaster Master, Ghosts and Goblins, Catslevania.
LOL, to say any Megaman is harder than Battletoads should be heresy. Then again I was semi addicted to megaman and could probably run through 1-6 in a single sitting (unless that one jetpack jump forces me to end another TV's life).
I can still remember that friggin hoverbike (scooter?) map in Battletoads that had a similar damn near impossible jump.... think i made it once.
I don't know what the "hardest" game I've played was (that wasn't trying to be stupid hard.. looking at you IWTBtG) but one that wasn't mentioned that I never managed to beat... Maximum Carnage.. spiderman games should never be that hard.