tburger: We’ve got some ‘new’ gems when you were out. So.. anything you would like to see under your Christmas tree?
Aside from an offer for a full-time job in the career I want, so I can quit my 2 part-time jobs? Or getting a newer car? Or having my mortgage paid off?
Or maybe you just meant some of the new GOGs. :-)
I'm big on turn-based rpgs like Fallout 1 & 2, Might & Magic 3-5, and Arcanum. I own them and love them all. Temple of Elemental Evil was fun, too, though not quite as good. I've never played Baldur's Gate or Planescape: Torment, though, and I hear you can pause those games to make them pseudo-turn-based. I realize neither of them is "new" on GOG, but they are considered classics that I probably should've tried out by now.