TheCheese33: French Independence! Woo! It's also my 18th birthday, which makes it a Double Woo. I celebrated the day by playing a bunch of Battlefield 1943, to commemorate the Allies saving France's ass in WWII.
Thanks! Happy Independence day to all Americans (a little late)! And happy birthday to you!
cogadh: I hope the French members don't get pissed that you misspelled Bastille...
There's no problem. Bastille or Bastele, we just got it! =)
cogadh: So, a question for any French members, is Bastille Day celebrated like the U.S Independence Day, with parades, fireworks and the requisite car and furniture sales (which are the same as the sales on Memorial Day, President's Day, Labor Day, Arbor Day...)?
We've got parades and fireworks. Parades in town for the most part, fireworks everywhere.
But we doesn't have "the requisite car and furniture sales", beside personal, small fireworks.
Side question: Does all (or most) Americans have flag ahead of house? Or is it just on photos? Or a local trend?