Balazs: A tall, dark-haired man wearing a somewhat shabby looking robe enters the tavern. He greets Halstead with a wide smile. "How long has it been? I missed you almost as much as your beer," he says, and orders two glasses of the golden beverage, inviting the mysterious woman to join him.
stoicsentry: Halstead eyes you with delight. "Dezső!" he exclaims.
"A pleasure, as usual," he adds, handing you two mugs of beer.
"My thanks," the mysterious woman says, pulling up a chair to join you, "but I must refuse the drink."
"I have to keep my wits about me," she adds, ordering herself a tea and sitting down to chat with you.
The hood remains over her head as she stared down at her cup of tea.
"Few people from around here refuse a drink," says Dezső, "especially if it's been made by Halstead. I'm guessing you're to this town, aren't you? Also," he says after taking a sip of his drink, "couldn't you remove your hood? I bet you'd look a lot nicer without it."