GameRager: Dude, the WAY he uses them and why he uses them make them a slur. Mainly the only ones who add race to an insult are those intent on making racial comments. And I meant adding race to insults btw, not other comments that aren't insulting and/or are factual statements meant to clarify or inform someone of something.
stoicsentry: I'll take your word for it, then! :)
That said, /b/ = this guy probably deserve each other.
I am pretty much on your camp; I'll just take their word for it. If the guy is using race as an argument, in and of itself, for why someone is inferior or wrong, then that is racist. However, if he is using it merely as a descriptor (and not the argument itself), then, although he might still be a racist, that un-PC statement alone can't prove it.
As long as he isn't accused of racism for stating that he disagrees with Affirmative Action for whatever reason (or some other conservative-leaning belief), then I am willing to believe he might just simply be a racist asshole. Not everyone is misunderstood; sometimes a spade really is a spade.