stonebro: On topic, jesus, US $90? Not AUD $90? Does games still sell digitally at US $90 in Australia? Is it the kangaroo tax?
1 AUD is current 0.965 USD, so it doesn't make much difference.
I expect someone realised that since the Australian dollar recovered everyone's been buying games online at half the local price, and put a stop to it. Most games on Steam sell at the same price in US and AU; it's just a few big releases they've done this to.
In any case, I went slightly crazy on the last two big Steam sales, and between Steam and GoG I have over a hundred games waiting for me. I'd like Civ 5, but I'm not going to let Steam rip me off like that. And I haven't even started Fallout 3 yet, so FNV can certainly wait.
And then I'll pick them up for $5 each, like Bioshock. :)