timppu: I don't know if this was reported here already...
I just went to rog.asus.com (the homepage for ASUS "Republic Of Gamers"-gaming laptops, like ASUS G75), and I get a:
"Hacked By 1337... Protest aganist disrespect of our beloved prophet blaablaablaa".
Wow. Is it really easy like that, hack the home pages of big corporations? Are there many other hacks ongoing with the current campaign?
EDIT: At the end of the page it says: "Dont worry admin Nothing has been deleted or leaked or downloaded :), Just Index Added."
Missing index.html added to the site, and then all traffic goes to that fake page? Or index.html replaced?
Badly configured server most likely. Yes, most people do not have real admins working on all their servers, especially if it's not the main company website.
Sounds like a troll, though, rather than a real person on some sort of whacky, digital jihad.
HereForTheBeer: Or it could be someone throwing that bit in there about Mohammed in some effort to be even more "clever". You know, to try to stir up shit, which is pretty much the point of doing this type of thing to a website in the first place. Why not add more shit on top of it?
Okay, my faith is restored, at least I'm not the only one smelling "troll" here.
Elenarie: Instead of all working together in harmony to make the planet better and safer place, we still have these retards fighting wars for dumb ass reasons.
I know what you mean, you have people starting shit all the time for ridiculous reasons. Like just today I heard someone proposing a purge of 98% of the world population;)
The irony was, he was proposing violence and oppression because he thought the other 98% were too prone to violence and oppression!
Okay, I'm done poking fun, trust me, I'm equally annoyed at times by obtuse nationalists and religious people (there's barely a difference here in the US), but those kinds of outbursts actually do make it worse, not better.