Lifthrasil: I don't know why you berate him. Yes, the first thread was ... questionable. But apologizing and promising to mend the error he recognized is a fine thing. Nothing we need to discuss in depth, but from my side I think apologizing is nice and to decide
not to pirate, is the correct thing to do.
It is. But did he need to create yet another thread for that? Couldn't it all have been contained to a single thread? It's just annoying. And mind you, I created my own piracy thread back in the day, so I can understand the need to come out clean and put yourself out there. But then another thread to apologize and ask for games, then yet another thread to apologize againg.
I don't intend to berate him, he did what he did, and he can keep pirating for all I care so long as he knows what he's doing. The only thing I want from him is that, if he wants to stay on this forum, to participate normally. Just post your thoughts on the threads that interest you, share and contrast your opinions, take part on some giveaways since you can't afford games. That's cool. But thread after thread of apologies that are annoying and serve only to sink his rep? That helps nobody.