RayRay13000: I heard the PC for the last game wasn't that good (didn't play, only played the console version...and didn't really care about it overall). Will the PC version of this game be playable? =P
I got the Complete Edition (IV + EFLC) just recently (a couple of weeks ago). It's true that is not a perfect port, and actually quite "meh"... I had to do some things to fix the game, like manually adding some commands by setting a file, enabling some type of anti-aliasing (the game doesn't have that option) by using injectSMAA (which by the way, does a really good job with the less performance hit vs. the other known graphical fixes for the game). I also had to overwrite a couple of files with modded files to fix a water effect that wasn't working properly (the sea looked like transparent jelly).
As for the DRM, to bypass the installation of GFWL I had to edit the registry, and to completely avoid it by using XLiveLess. Besides that, I have now SecuROM in my PC, and also have to always deal with Rockstar Social that prompts you to log-in into their network everytime you launch the game, even when you play offline the single player campaign (you don't have to log-in, but you have to cancel that everytime you want to play the games).
The performance is not good. You'll get a ton of screen tearing, so you have to enable V-Sync. The problem is, is not a perfect V-Sync, just a frame limiter. For example, if your monitor has a refresh of 60 Hz, this "V-Sync" limits the frames up to 56 per second and it doesn't show more than that, even though if you had much more than 60 FPS with that V-Sync disabled... And you better disable the video recording in the options to improve the performance (the game constantly saves the last 30-60 seconds of your gameplay, so when you hit [F2], it creates a video file for you to edit later.
If you're using XLiveLess, you have to start the game directly from the main EXE launcher (you can create a shortcut) and not from the Steam client, or later 1-2 minutes in the game, you will get chopped frames and camera issues. Essentially, you won't need Steam to run the game (I play it with the client closed).
At least they're playable... (:P). I also had the games on Xbox 360 and on PC they look much better. With better definiton and colors. But I don't recommend modding the games, or you will get a lot of crashes, especially if you add cars into the game. So in case someday you get the games, avoid doing that. Scripts are okay. And remember to save often!