Posted August 26, 2013

If you do not like this GTA Online - don't participate and just play it solo. If someone want's to play it as an MMO, I do not see it as being any issue at all.
I have never conscripted to this "everyone should play a game the way I want" idea. You can still play it solo, this is not forced on you. Choice is good, and this why it is a non-issue

I did not play GTA IV because it came with GFWL, but making the multiplayer a secondary concern in a solo game is how it should be. The GTA's are all about mayhem, yes, but they are held together with a story.
The problem with this for me is it shows that Rockstar are chasing what others have done before and they will allow to story to suffer as they attempt to make their very own MMO out of GTA.
I love the GTA series and would love to see them all here, even GTA V. Yet I can look at it right now and knowing how Rockstar care for their games I can see them (I believe it was Mass Effect 3 who did it first) making the multiplayer necessary to progress the actual game itself. They are trying this now and just like Blizzard the next installment is then just a MMO.
You can (if you want to) play it as single player perfectly fine, it is in fact the primary mode the game is built around. You do not need to touch the online mode unless you swing that way. However, if someone else would like to play is with friends online, then I see no reason why they should not. Who am I to tell them they should not?
We do not know how it will let "the story suffer" in single player yet, it is pure guesswork and doomsday prophecies so far. My guess? It will have no impact on a solo single player game at all.
And for GoG and MP games.... I ticked yes on the survey even though I do not touch MP with a ten foot pole. So it is an issue you need to take up with gog and it's principles. Don't blame the game if it do not fit it with them.
(I did not play GTA IV because of it's realistic style, tried for a couple of hours and gave up.... did not even realise it used GfWL)