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amok: and?...

If you do not like this GTA Online - don't participate and just play it solo. If someone want's to play it as an MMO, I do not see it as being any issue at all.

I have never conscripted to this "everyone should play a game the way I want" idea. You can still play it solo, this is not forced on you. Choice is good, and this why it is a non-issue
011284mm: I am not going to say people cannot play the game if they want.
I did not play GTA IV because it came with GFWL, but making the multiplayer a secondary concern in a solo game is how it should be. The GTA's are all about mayhem, yes, but they are held together with a story.
The problem with this for me is it shows that Rockstar are chasing what others have done before and they will allow to story to suffer as they attempt to make their very own MMO out of GTA.

I love the GTA series and would love to see them all here, even GTA V. Yet I can look at it right now and knowing how Rockstar care for their games I can see them (I believe it was Mass Effect 3 who did it first) making the multiplayer necessary to progress the actual game itself. They are trying this now and just like Blizzard the next installment is then just a MMO.
No, you are saying they can not play the game the way they want. That's what I am saying.

You can (if you want to) play it as single player perfectly fine, it is in fact the primary mode the game is built around. You do not need to touch the online mode unless you swing that way. However, if someone else would like to play is with friends online, then I see no reason why they should not. Who am I to tell them they should not?

We do not know how it will let "the story suffer" in single player yet, it is pure guesswork and doomsday prophecies so far. My guess? It will have no impact on a solo single player game at all.

And for GoG and MP games.... I ticked yes on the survey even though I do not touch MP with a ten foot pole. So it is an issue you need to take up with gog and it's principles. Don't blame the game if it do not fit it with them.

(I did not play GTA IV because of it's realistic style, tried for a couple of hours and gave up.... did not even realise it used GfWL)
amok: and?...

If you do not like this GTA Online - don't participate and just play it solo. If someone want's to play it as an MMO, I do not see it as being any issue at all.

I have never conscripted to this "everyone should play a game the way I want" idea. You can still play it solo, this is not forced on you. Choice is good, and this why it is a non-issue
McDon: It affects development time though and sometimes if it's popular enough, it'd overshadow the singleplayer and the devs will concentrate on it (RIP Singleplayer Warcraft...).
No more new SIngle Player Vice City :(
There has been about 7 GTA games aimed at being a petty criminal. About time they did something with the franchise.
whats with crazy hype on gta v. gta 3 i understand was something new and 3d but gta v is the same thing as previous ones and there is so many like it saint row, sleeping dogs and etc etc
Last I checked, GTA was all about making mayhem and screwing around, with some story missions. What's your guys' problem with doing it with multiple players?
djranis: whats with crazy hype on gta v. gta 3 i understand was something new and 3d but gta v is the same thing as previous ones and there is so many like it saint row, sleeping dogs and etc etc
I'd say it the most polished and perfected also we are getting back Country-side like San Andreas, but instead of just being there, there are even stuff to do in them, oh and Tennis, Golf, Animal Hunting, 4-Track racing, etc.
011284mm: I am not going to say people cannot play the game if they want.
I did not play GTA IV because it came with GFWL, but making the multiplayer a secondary concern in a solo game is how it should be. The GTA's are all about mayhem, yes, but they are held together with a story.
The problem with this for me is it shows that Rockstar are chasing what others have done before and they will allow to story to suffer as they attempt to make their very own MMO out of GTA.

I love the GTA series and would love to see them all here, even GTA V. Yet I can look at it right now and knowing how Rockstar care for their games I can see them (I believe it was Mass Effect 3 who did it first) making the multiplayer necessary to progress the actual game itself. They are trying this now and just like Blizzard the next installment is then just a MMO.
amok: No, you are saying they can not play the game the way they want. That's what I am saying.

You can (if you want to) play it as single player perfectly fine, it is in fact the primary mode the game is built around. You do not need to touch the online mode unless you swing that way. However, if someone else would like to play is with friends online, then I see no reason why they should not. Who am I to tell them they should not?

We do not know how it will let "the story suffer" in single player yet, it is pure guesswork and doomsday prophecies so far. My guess? It will have no impact on a solo single player game at all.

And for GoG and MP games.... I ticked yes on the survey even though I do not touch MP with a ten foot pole. So it is an issue you need to take up with gog and it's principles. Don't blame the game if it do not fit it with them.

(I did not play GTA IV because of it's realistic style, tried for a couple of hours and gave up.... did not even realise it used GfWL)
I never said people cannot play the game the way they want. People enjoy multiplayer - I have never complained when people do.
All I say is that if the multiplayer is to become a permanent feature of the game then there is a high chance that they will try and shoehorn either the single player into it (Resident Evil 6), or it into the single player (a-la Mass Effect 3).

I never said DOOM is coming, I just complained that I hope this was more "testing the water" then actually 90% of the features. I fear (and I could be wrong, but with an AAA title who are we really kidding) that the story will be put second to the idea of making an MMO where Rockstar can have massive amounts of microtransactions.
No I do not like multiplayer, but then if I had the choice I would only interact with people I actually liked. Life is not what I make it, but more what we make it. I also do not like the idea of microtransactions, but I do enjoy a well formed DLC (expansion) pack that is priced at a level to the content.

If GTA 5 is heavy on the multiplayer, then good. If it is light on story, then good.
Rockstar will make the game they believe will sell, people will buy it if they like it (who knew there would be another online Final Fantasy).
I personally did not touch the PC version of GTA 4 because of the GFWL attachment, yet I really enjoyed 80% of the story when I played it at my brothers on his PS3. Others happily bought GTA 4 on the PC and I have never complained at them or said that they were wrong... I just say that I wish that GTA 4 had been a Steam client game or a CD check only game more then a GFWL.
Fenixp: There has been about 7 GTA games aimed at being a petty criminal. About time they did something with the franchise.
It's too late to make GTA into another Saints Row.
011284mm: If GTA 5 is heavy on the multiplayer, then good. If it is light on story, then good.
Rockstar will make the game they believe will sell, people will buy it if they like it (who knew there would be another online Final Fantasy).
I personally did not touch the PC version of GTA 4 because of the GFWL attachment, yet I really enjoyed 80% of the story when I played it at my brothers on his PS3. Others happily bought GTA 4 on the PC and I have never complained at them or said that they were wrong... I just say that I wish that GTA 4 had been a Steam client game or a CD check only game more then a GFWL.
This is not exactly what's in your OP...
011284mm: If GTA 5 is heavy on the multiplayer, then good. If it is light on story, then good.
Rockstar will make the game they believe will sell, people will buy it if they like it (who knew there would be another online Final Fantasy).
I personally did not touch the PC version of GTA 4 because of the GFWL attachment, yet I really enjoyed 80% of the story when I played it at my brothers on his PS3. Others happily bought GTA 4 on the PC and I have never complained at them or said that they were wrong... I just say that I wish that GTA 4 had been a Steam client game or a CD check only game more then a GFWL.
amok: This is not exactly what's in your OP...
My original post was shock at the idea of Rockstar making the online section more then just a part of game play for people and actually something they feel they can actually ship more copies with.
I at no point claim the world is collapsing, just that I hope it is testing the water, seeing if people like this idea. Rather then them slowly telling us that the single player campaign will now be online too.
I know most game makers wish that everyone was online all the time to play their games, but Sim City and Diablo 3 have proven that online to play the single player campaign is a pile of crap.

My original post is copied below and I see no attempt from me to tell people "do not play" or "if you buy this you are wrong", just my shock that Rockstar are actually making a big deal of their multi player, and I am worried that the single player game and story will suffer to allow more room for online play. I would hate to see every franchise I once enjoyed turned into another WOW clone.

"I am sorry, but I could not see a post of this already and though that it was worth mentioning.

I think that Rockstar have lost the idea of GTA, I really hope this is just testing the water. Please see the video below."
amok: This is not exactly what's in your OP...
011284mm: ??
My original post was shock at the idea of Rockstar making the online section more then just a part of game play for people and actually something they feel they can actually ship more copies with.
I at no point claim the world is collapsing, just that I hope it is testing the water, seeing if people like this idea. Rather then them slowly telling us that the single player campaign will now be online too.
I know most game makers wish that everyone was online all the time to play their games, but Sim City and Diablo 3 have proven that online to play the single player campaign is a pile of crap.

My original post is copied below and I see no attempt from me to tell people "do not play" or "if you buy this you are wrong", just my shock that Rockstar are actually making a big deal of their multi player, and I am worried that the single player game and story will suffer to allow more room for online play. I would hate to see every franchise I once enjoyed turned into another WOW clone.

"I am sorry, but I could not see a post of this already and though that it was worth mentioning.

I think that Rockstar have lost the idea of GTA, I really hope this is just testing the water. Please see the video below."
Well, all you are saying you are against the DRM.... there is no mention of any sort of DRM in the video, nor in your OP, so I am not sure how someone was supposed to make that logical leap. I did not, at least, all I saw was another rant against MP.
Isn't that basically what All Points Bulletin is?
Considering how that title went Rockstar should take heed not to make the same mistakes.
On the other hand I think GTA could do with some innovation and give the game some substance.
I couldn't interest myself in playing any GTA after Vice City, perhaps that was maybe because I played 3 and Vice City a lot, but also they started to put a lot of boring stuff into San Andreas and IV.
Fenixp: There has been about 7 GTA games aimed at being a petty criminal. About time they did something with the franchise.
GTA, grand theft auto, petty criminal... kinda makes sense. If they want to do a different kind of game, do they necessarily have to call it a GTA game?

I personally feel new games that turn out to be something completely different, shouldn't necessarily pretend to be sequels to the earlier games. In some cases I consider that borderline diversion, fooling the people who liked the earlier games to buy the quasi-sequel. They could just as well call the new game "City of Fury Online" or whatever.

anyone playing this?
KneeTheCap: So...

anyone playing this?
I played and it is kind of fun but every player is out to murder you at every point and the focus on getting money rather than having fun is slightly off putting
For example on a tutorial job I instantly got shot in face by someone who was meant to be working with me and the rest of the tutorial was spent avoiding them because they shot on sight and that doesn't change in main MP either

Oh and I highly recommend playing with at least 1 friend
Post edited October 14, 2013 by SovietSharkey