Posted December 09, 2008
hansschmucker: Slow as hell (I'd say about 15 to 20 fps and it's not even FullHD) at most times, with occasional drops to around 3 fps if there are any physics involved;
Wishbone: Now this is something I do not understand at all. If you make games for a fixed hardware platform (meaning one set of specs only), you damn well make sure that your games do not exceed those specs! No console game should have any noticeable drop in framerate, ever! If it does, then the developers are incompetent. Can't agree more. Whoever did the project lead definitely messed up. Looks to me as if they started building the content before the engine was in any state that they could get performance estimates from, only trying to glue code and content together when they were close to the release date. It didn't fit, but because they were too close to release for any big delays they just went ahead with what they had. And since few people complained, they left it like that.