RaggieRags: I always thought that when the game is set in japan, it's very awkward when the American voice actors try to pronounce names.
So should a game/anime made by the japanese that takes place that speaks english (America, UK, Australia) us english language?
Garugo: some games (like the "Tales of..." series) have really enjoyable English VO and I'm absolutely fine with them. Games like Samurai/Dynasty/Orochi Warriors, however, are just missing something with English voice acting.
Maybe that's because the story in the Tales series is rather important, so they spend more on the voice acting while in Dynasty Warriors the story is really not that big of a focus so they just do the bare minimum. Or at least, I never cared about the story in Dynasty Warriors, I just skipped it. I tried watching a few cutscenes and it was just horrible.
On topic. How's Cherry Tree High Comedy Club and War of the Human Tanks?
The video for Cherry kinda reminded me of Persona with how you do something and get a skill level up. Minus the JRPG part. Is it suppose to be a funny game or is the name misleading? The few jokes in the trailer were kinda bad.
And what's with the MC's hair? Does it annoying anyone else, or is it just me? I could probably get over it quick though.
War of the Human Tanks, I don't really know what to think of it. Some type of tactics game with a weird fog of war.