spoderman: I messaged the Cafe 0 dev on Desura, stating my disappointment with how the game/bonus was handled in the Groupees bundled.. and got this response.
"Actually it's the groupees staff who decided to give it as a bonus. I just sent email to them to discuss about this matter.
Sorry but I can't decide it by myself."
BTW I can confirm that the android version does have voice acting in it.
nightrunner227: With how ridiculously expensive V-novels tend to be, I don't really mind having paid the extra 75 cents, but I definitely see what you're saying. Android should count as a platform, meaning it should've been grouped with the pc version's purchase (and the pc version should've been Deluxe, too).
Yeah that would've made a lot more sense. Giving away the superior android version as a bonus is like a slap in the face for those of us who bought the voiceless PC version in the bundle.
EDIT: Another response from the dev: "They told me that they want to give it to people who bought cafe or make it as a bonus. But then after I sent the apk, they didn't tell me which one they will choose.
Also, when I give the full version in the bundle, there was no plan to give the android version. Groupees staff told me that the full version works in multiplatform and might do better. I have deluxe version for multiplatform too, but I don't have 3 os to check one by one, so for in case, I give the full version like what they suggested.
Groupees staff asked me to add android version at the middle of the promotion. At first I refuse it since the version I use at google play use in app purchase and there is no way to give the app for free with google in app purchase system.
But then I think I might convert the iOS ver to Android version and distribute the apk, This is however, needs time to be done, and actually I just finished making this a few days ago. and this one is uncompatible with the version at Google Play."
EDIT 2 (sorry for all the edits): One more response: "And also, groupees asked cafe 0 to join the promotion 24 hours before the promotion is started. They're pretty rush and I didn't get enough time to think about full and deluxe."