Azilut: Could someone explain to me how Groupees works? When new items unlock, does everyone get them automatically, or just those who were "in on the ground floor" before the goal was reached? Does it matter which price point you paid? I tried to hunt around on their website for info, but I'm finding their interface to be really annoying to use.
Also wondering if I could get an opinion on 'Blindside' - I'm intrigued by the premise, but is it actually interesting to play? (I would normally jump on Tier 2 for a game like "Anna", but I've heard such awful things about it that it really isn't tempting me right now.)
Hi, the price point is up to your choice, like for this one you must pay at least 4$ to get the first bunch + Anna and Post Mortem, if you paid just 1$ or below 4$ you would get the first bunch with Cryostasis and Manor of the Damned and other goodies.
When a new goal is achieved, you get the bonus even if you paid just 1$, only skip the extra content added for pay at least xxx value to get those; in this bundle Anna, Post Mortem and a PDF comics.
Sorry if im unclear.. As for Blindside, if and only IF you are a native english speaker it might be a real new experience of a game, otherwise with no subtitles and great if not perfect understanding from spoken dialogues with accents, forget it!