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So now that 2011 is over, what was your favourite game released that year?

For me, I guess it's Sanctum. Won it in ne_zavarj's giveaway and been pouring tens of hours into it. Absolutely fantastic game. Even got the DLC - a massive faux-pas for me.

I'm also really enjoying LA Noire, despite it being a bit of a shoddy console port.

Oh and I hope we haven't already had a thread like this? Didn't bother searching since that's unlikely to uncover anything anyway.
1st: Dungeon Defenders (Played no other game last year that much)
2nd: Worms Golf :)
Portal 2 followed by Tactics Ogre.
Hmm...I'd have to say Terraria. I've sunk almost 150 hours into it and haven't even played it in a month or two. Skyrim's a close second (and God, it hurts to say that, but I DID get screwed over by the PS3 version).
UC3 without a doubt. Skyrim is the runner-up, probably :)
1st: Skyrim
2nd: Portal 2
3rd: Witcher 2
4th: Uncharted 3
5th: Deus Ex: HR

Batman: AC falls just below Deus Ex..
Dungeons of Dredmor. And Terraria very close to it.
Dark Souls, definitely.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky for me.

I loved everything about it. The story, gameplay, characters, etc.

Runner-up would probably be Skyward Sword or Rayman: Origins
The Witcher 2. Played that over and over.
Skyrim or Minecraft I guess. I believe Minecraft would count at least, as it did officially release in 2011.
The Binding of Isaac
Batman AC
Sequence (holy shit was this good!)
Deus Ex: HR

Probably in that order, few AAA titles that really stood out this year.
Ghost Trick.
The Witcher 2. Nothing came close to topping it as far as I'm concerned.