Wishbone: That is epic. Unfortunately, it's probably not enough for them to call off the whole charade.
bansama: What I find sad is that people (commenting elsewhere) are still stating that giving a full name is perfectly safe and could never lead to phone numbers, etc., being found. And yet here we have proof that not only was it possible but that it was obviously of enough concern for Blizzard to remove it from their forums shortly afterwards!
From what I just read on the Blizzard forums, Blizzard's attitude is that access to people's names still does not give anyone the
right to look up personal information, and if they do and post the results
on Blizzard's forum, they will be banned
from Blizzard's forum.
Well, that's just fine and dandy then, isn't it? Because obviously, noone would dream of doing something they don't have a right to do, and they will certainly constrain their activities to Blizzard's own little realm of the internet, and a forum ban is such a harsh punishment.
How much easier will this change make it for guys
like this? And does anyone really think that the threat of a possible forum ban will make the slightest bit of difference?