JonhMan: If your into World War II tactical shooters, the Brothers in Arms series, at least in my opinion, does it very well.
Sure the first to games can be ridiculously hard at times, but finishing them is oh so satisfying.
As far as I know, the first two are available for PS2 and the Wii.
Though be warned... the Wii version is supposedly technically broken as in poor frame rate, ect...
I read your suggestion.
I looked it up on Wikipedia.
I found some gameplay videos of it on Youtube.
I came.
How did that amazing looking game pass by me unnoticed with out even a cursory glance? My god. I'm one of the only five people on the planet who love WWII FPS and I've never even heard of the Brothers in Arms series! HOW?!? Anyways, thanks for filling me in on that. Seriously, thank you!!