Elmofongo: Hey I know the books should have been made because why, but are the Before Watchmen books any good?
Each books are dedicated entirely on each of the characters in their own sort of mini series so I just like to know which ones done good and which ones sucked?
shadowknight2814: Sorry, didn't your response earlier, I thought GOG was pestering me about another game update; I never bothered with the Watchmen prequels, because they were cash-ins by DC, and more importantly, Watchmen covered everything that needed to be covered regarding the characters, so I didn't see the point in doing the prequels.
Well I have seen the Watchmen film and this is me coming from reading the book.
Pros: Some Charcter Designs look exactly like the book (Rorschach and Dr. Manhattan and some others) while I don't really mind Nite Owl looking too much like Batman. Also the cinemotography looks gorgeous, for example the scene where Rorschach was at the graveyard while its raining and there was this close up shot at his face with water dripping down his hat, it looked stunning, very immersive and finally the Comedian was perfect in this film, he was exactly like the Comedian imo.
Cons: They ruined a good number of things, They ruined Ozymandias horribly in this film and his costume looks almost nothing like his classic costume and yes he looked more obviously like a villian where the whole book I never thought he was the villian until the end.
Oh Rorshach and Doctor Manhattan's voices, ergh I never thought of Rorschach's voice as basically Christian Bale's Batman at all when I read the book, (to be honest I always pictured his voice to be more like Jon from Delocated, but less humorous) and Dr. Manhatten I and I am sure everybody pictured his voice more booming and etheral rather than that silent monotone voice heck his speech bubbles in the book which were colored in blue seems to imply it.
Yes the fighting scenes were stupid sometimes, I never knew or even thought Rorshach learned Martial Arts, I understand Nite Owl and Silk Specter to some degree, but not Rorshach or Comedian also speaking of Nite Owl and Silk Specter, when they try to free Rorshach from Prison with the help of a distracting prison riot, does that fight scene against the rioting prisoners defeats the purpous of the prison riot as a distraction?
And finally the movie's faithfulness to the graphic novel, when I read the Graphic Novel I always imagined it as a TV mini series sort of like a HBO mini-series, but as a full length film it just does not work, for example again the scene with Rorscach in the Graveyard that was the ending of Chapter 2 in the Novel, it was an appropriate ending and to see it just continuing on like how movies does defeats the meaning of each chapters endings, this whole movie would have been much better if it was a TV mini series.
Yeah I know this movie is already passed, but hey I am just throwing out my opinion thats all, heck people still talk about old movies to this day.