KOC: This is such a great wiki to have since we lack such features as showing profiles on GOG itself. But hmmm ... I can't seem to figure out how to get my shelf on my page on there. Do you need to add anything more than <gog-shelf user="username" /> to make it show up? :)
Ubivis: You need to run the Greasemonkey script linked in the first post :)
I do have the script running and working so I can click names on the forum and go their GOGwiki pages, but it doesn't go to my own when I click my name. It says I haven't created a user yet, but I have. I edited my page here: [url=http://www.gogwiki.com/index.php?title=User:KOC]http://www.gogwiki.com/index.php?title=User:KOC[/url]
I put in the basic information and added <gog-shelf user="KOC" />, but it doesn't show the shelf.
Hmmm... am I missing something else I have to do?
BTW great work on this whole thing, guys! if only I knew more about this technical stuff so I could figure it out myself;)