you head for the market place, hoping to acquire some better clothing. The hospital gown is made of nice material and has a classy pattern, but its occasionally rather breezy at the back entrance. You hear some tittering as you pass by.
Just to keep the guards from noticing your entrance, you duck down the nearest alley that seems to connect to another main street. You look up and see some forgotten laundry, now a little sun-faded. Score! You happily dress in the fresh slacks, t-shirt (obviously from Threadless, as Link and Mario are arm wrestling on it) and underthings. There's a sunbather's towel and a duffel bag on the line too. You pack the gown and towel into the duffel bag, which releases a white duck.
The duck flutters around quacking furiously, then determinedly settles on your head, nipping at any fingers that attempt to dislodge it. The duck's fussing settles into a familiar cadence, almost as if it was berating you for something. Then the duck lowers its head in an attempt to look you in the eye. You could bring out the gown or towel in order to remove the duck without being nipped.... or maybe you should talk to it?