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akwater: lol he calls me unhelpful and sad and yet i gave him the email addy of the company :P
cause thats how sad guys act...... and unhelpful guys act....

::sigh:: I called you unhelpful and sad because that's exactly what you were being. *Then* after that you provided the email address. Is this thread really degenerating into this?
I'm just glad so many *other* people understand my point and agree with my basic premise.
i think a growing company like this should have a live support or at least one of their reps on this community who can forward such problems to the tech team
Imho there's a real problem here: asked for help with the site a couple of time, never received any reply. For games themselves I think the GOG team heavily relies on the "community" side of the service, the forums and the chance that a user will get help from there if there is a common problem with the game he purchased....
Anyway asking for help about something you paid money for without getting a single reply - even a "we're hearing you, we're trying to put time on the problem" answer would be good for me - isn't fair or convenient at all.
You know, the convenience of buying digital stuff goes to zero if you don't offer support for it. After all pirates aren't expected to get support, but PAYING customers, they do. My two cents: fix it asap or the GOG growth won't be as good as it could be :-P
Post edited August 16, 2010 by KingofGnG
JohnJSal: ...

Is your system running Windows 7 or Vista 64 bit as the OS? I've reread all of the posts and can only find a reference to 64 bits with no mention of the Windows version.
Post edited August 16, 2010 by Stuff
I just realized this thread has now reached Page 3 and my post is a regurgitation of everything that's been said thus far :O
Post edited August 16, 2010 by lowyhong
JohnJSal: I have read so much about the issue (since I never got a response from GOG) that it seems to me what works for one person does not work for another person. There doesn't appear to be a single fix, and yes, I refuse to try five different solutions that most likely won't even work, especially if they have the potential to break other games, which rolling back drivers might do.

Now wait a second here
you refuse to try five different solutions although you admit there is no one magical solution as different solutions work for different people here and on on steam?
What kind of flawed logic is that?
and i agree with you on support rant. a week to answer. i can live with that. 2 weeks? way too long and they should do something about that.
JohnJSal: I have never heard of the resolution resulting in an error like that, and I also love how they jump from resolution to "update your drivers and directx," as if there's some logical progression between those two steps.

If you've never heard of this solution than you perhaps haven't been playing a lot of games. It's a problem I've run into a few times--some games and/or graphics card don't handle switching between resolutions very well, especially not when the game is run at a HIGHER resolution than the desktop. Perhaps that's your problem?
And updating drivers and DirectX is an old stand-by that very frequently solves problems. The thing is, most users' problems stem directly from their own systems, which are either old, unstable, or use out-of-date software. So if you haven't given that a shot yet (if you did, I missed it), you really should give that a try.
JohnJSal: ::sigh:: I called you unhelpful and sad because that's exactly what you were being. *Then* after that you provided the email address. Is this thread really degenerating into this?
I'm just glad so many *other* people understand my point and agree with my basic premise.

The best way to get help is to post a coherent thread in the specific game forum, detailing your problem.
Actually that's not true, the best way is to research yourself and see if you can come up with a solution - if it's a common problem there will be somebody who has had it before, if not, consider whether something on your computer may be the cause.
Also the best way is not to get all defensive and attack people who are trying to help you with statements like "yeah bro, i'm not gonna be arsed to try that!". Update your drivers. Post a dxdiag. Run a memcheck. Scan for viruses. Try doing something on your own end to fix the problem.
The problem with GOG support is that they are most likely overwhelmed by requests, and do not have the finances or otherwise possibilities (there could be space issues in their offices for example) to hire any additional support staff.
I love gog but if it were me i'd be plenty frustrated with the lack of reply, so i have no trouble understanding John's frustration.
It's ufortunate that for whatever reason this happens sometimes as it sends out the wrong message about gog.
I'd imagine, in certain amount of time, children will play 'Who's the troll?'
JohnJSal: ::sigh:: I called you unhelpful and sad because that's exactly what you were being. *Then* after that you provided the email address. Is this thread really degenerating into this?
I'm just glad so many *other* people understand my point and agree with my basic premise.
stonebro: The best way to get help is to post a coherent thread in the specific game forum, detailing your problem.
Also the best way is not to get all defensive and attack people who are trying to help you with statements like "yeah bro, i'm not gonna be arsed to try that!".

I am totally lost.. How exactly is saying he didn't want to roll his drivers back attacking anyone?
Vagabond: I think we should all stop acting like little kids.
John has a completely valid and understandable point. Sure, it may not be the best to the ears of a GOG fanboy, but it's rational. And it is absolutely true that GOG has been slacking with respect to support services and the like—especially in the recent months. I'd expect that your troubles with them has something to do with the fact that the support team doesn't work weekends, and that they are preparing for GamesCon in Cologne.
GOG will get their act together. Let's just all get along and stop being douches.

Have to agree with this. If GOG had answered his questions in a timely manner, or at least given some kind of response, we wouldn't have this thread. So there's no point in getting all fanboyish here.
It appears that GOG's quality of support is going down. This isn't an isolated case, for example there's a similar post complaining about the exact same thing (except this time about Interstate 76). GOG really should pull its socks up before these support problems damage its reputation.
JohnJSal: I have read so much about the issue (since I never got a response from GOG) that it seems to me what works for one person does not work for another person. There doesn't appear to be a single fix, and yes, I refuse to try five different solutions that most likely won't even work, especially if they have the potential to break other games, which rolling back drivers might do.
lukaszthegreat: Now wait a second here
you refuse to try five different solutions although you admit there is no one magical solution as different solutions work for different people here and on on steam?
What kind of flawed logic is that?
and i agree with you on support rant. a week to answer. i can live with that. 2 weeks? way too long and they should do something about that.

My point was that I tried several things already, none of which worked. And since all these other methods are not consistently working for everyone, it leads me to believe that it's probably not truly the solution anyway. And like I said before, I'm willing to try anything that I think is a reasonable fix. Rolling back my drivers to play one game is not reasonable.
JohnJSal: I have never heard of the resolution resulting in an error like that, and I also love how they jump from resolution to "update your drivers and directx," as if there's some logical progression between those two steps.
JoshoB: If you've never heard of this solution than you perhaps haven't been playing a lot of games. It's a problem I've run into a few times--some games and/or graphics card don't handle switching between resolutions very well, especially not when the game is run at a HIGHER resolution than the desktop. Perhaps that's your problem?
And updating drivers and DirectX is an old stand-by that very frequently solves problems. The thing is, most users' problems stem directly from their own systems, which are either old, unstable, or use out-of-date software. So if you haven't given that a shot yet (if you did, I missed it), you really should give that a try.

I've never tried running a game at a higher resolution than my native resolution. That just seems like a bad idea! :)
And yes, updating drivers would be fine, but their recommendation (from the email I just got, is to *roll back* the drivers to old ones).
stonebro: The best way to get help is to post a coherent thread in the specific game forum, detailing your problem.

Did that about two weeks ago.
stonebro: Actually that's not true, the best way is to research yourself and see if you can come up with a solution - if it's a common problem there will be somebody who has had it before, if not, consider whether something on your computer may be the cause.

Did that too. Tried some things, they didn't work. Refused to try "solutions" that I consider to be too extreme for a single game.
stonebro: Also the best way is not to get all defensive and attack people who are trying to help you with statements like "yeah bro, i'm not gonna be arsed to try that!". Update your drivers. Post a dxdiag. Run a memcheck. Scan for viruses. Try doing something on your own end to fix the problem.

Wow, it's like you haven't even been reading the thread.
stonebro: The problem with GOG support is that they are most likely overwhelmed by requests, and do not have the finances or otherwise possibilities (there could be space issues in their offices for example) to hire any additional support staff.

Oh, in that case, it's okay. I won't expect any kind of support from small companies anymore.
Post edited August 16, 2010 by JohnJSal
lukaszthegreat: Now wait a second here
you refuse to try five different solutions although you admit there is no one magical solution as different solutions work for different people here and on on steam?
What kind of flawed logic is that?
and i agree with you on support rant. a week to answer. i can live with that. 2 weeks? way too long and they should do something about that.
JohnJSal: My point was that I tried several things already, none of which worked. And since all these other methods are not consistently working for everyone, it leads me to believe that it's probably not truly the solution anyway. And like I said before, I'm willing to try anything that I think is a reasonable fix. Rolling back my drivers to play one game is not reasonable.

it is reasonable... you can always reroll can't you?
Not sure how long you had play PC games but it couldn't be long if you say that "...probably not truly the solution..."
There is really never a solution which works for everyone. PCs are complicated machines and sometimes patch/problem solution/walk around work for 99.9 percent of people yet still few will have to try something else.
recent example of mine is Mafia 2 demo
couldn't install Physx drivers. Solutions involved to manually install it but it didn't work for some reason.
found my own solution and then posted it on the steampowered forum.
yet there was another person for whom my idea did not work...
there is really no TRUE solution. just walk around the problem and since every system is different the walkaround might not be useful.