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Wishbone: ...

Should GoG have addressed his concerns, Yep, and here is the kicker for me, he has 2 rep, that means over the course of..... 5/2009 to 8/2010 15 months how many posts is that.....which leads me to think he is just trolling to troll....
Even if his claim is accurate as for his wait time, how many posts has he made asking for the communities help? On the Second of August he made a post about Just buying the game, it is now the 16th of August (midnight here), so at a max it has been 2 weeks. Ralackk tried addressing his concern, even pointed him to threads about people having issues with the game.
He said he didnt want to try the Fix.......... So...People should point him to other fixes that he wont bother trying? ie Orcishgamer in this very thread?
Is he really wanting to fix the problem?
That has been at least two potential fixes to his problem, in less then 2 weeks. Yet he will not try either.
"After some research it seems to be a common problem with the Steam version as well. Does anyone know of a sure fix for this?"
He also points out in his asking for help thread that it is a common problem, for more then just the GoG copy, which again, if it is such a big problem (which it is) 1C would be a better place to ask for suggestions.
Sure, GoG is slacking on responding, and yet at the same point if GoG tells him oh change your drivers, or try this, or try this he can say I dont wanna........ which is effectively what he has already said.
No one here has ever had to update a driver or downgrade a driver or change a memory card or upgrade their computer to play a game?
Expecting GoG to patch every game and fix everything that may have ever been an issue with it seems crazy, and yet, Steam also sells this game, has a bigger staff and people have the same issue............. Strange............. so strange
I mean... really I see complaints on um let me count the sites About King's bounty the legend Crash 118,000 results (0.36 seconds) . Is it a GoG problem to fix?
I love them, but instead of hiring a new PR person, they really should've hired new tech support.
I think in at least one case though it was a technical issue of them not receiving the email from a customer.
Post edited August 15, 2010 by chautemoc
Starkrun: Id rather have bad support to keep alive then over staff and have them have to close...
on a more personal note they have been amazing with me, and Ive always got a response in a timely manner. But they originally all filtered to SPAM, so check that filter.
No really check the SPAM filter that's where i found 4 messages from there support staff. With all the chap happening to CDP and the main company as a whole were lucky that exists. Thankfully its a major part of CDP and they said they will try very very hard to keep GOG no matter what. So i accept this and support them and hope things get better soon.

There are also no responses in my GOG message center.
Something else to consider and I DO NOT know that this is happening but . . . if support is being overwhelmed they may not be responding to any support questions where Windows 7 is the OS unless they claim compatibility on the game card. I'm just saying . . . it could happen.
akwater: Should GoG have addressed his concerns, Yep, and here is the kicker for me, he has 2 rep, that means over the course of..... 5/2009 to 8/2010 15 months how many posts is that.....which leads me to think he is just trolling to troll....

Frankly I don't care if you think I'm trolling, because you've already proven yourself to be unhelpful. At this point it seems to me that you are simply flailing about to save face, since I and many others have responded against your comments. Now you are just trying to justify yourself.
akwater: Even if his claim is accurate as for his wait time, how many posts has he made asking for the communities help? On the Second of August he made a post about Just buying the game, it is now the 16th of August (midnight here), so at a max it has been 2 weeks.

What difference does it make how many posts I've made? I made one asking for help about this game, isn't that enough? How many separate threads do I need to start asking the same question to make you happy?
I emailed tech support pretty much the same day that I bought it. And like I said in my original post, I waited a week for a response, and then sent another email. It's now been another week. 1 week + 1 week = 2 weeks, so yeah, it's been two weeks, which should have been obvious from my original post. Do you feel like you are making some case against me by pointing out that it's been "at a max" two weeks?
akwater: Ralackk tried addressing his concern, even pointed him to threads about people having issues with the game.
He said he didnt want to try the Fix.......... So...People should point him to other fixes that he wont bother trying? ie Orcishgamer in this very thread?
Is he really wanting to fix the problem?
That has been at least two potential fixes to his problem, in less then 2 weeks. Yet he will not try either.

I have read so much about the issue (since I never got a response from GOG) that it seems to me what works for one person does not work for another person. There doesn't appear to be a single fix, and yes, I refuse to try five different solutions that most likely won't even work, especially if they have the potential to break other games, which rolling back drivers might do.
akwater: He also points out in his asking for help thread that it is a common problem, for more then just the GoG copy, which again, if it is such a big problem (which it is) 1C would be a better place to ask for suggestions.

I only discovered how common the problem was after sending my initial question to GOG. But just because I did some external research doesn't mean GOG doesn't owe me a response to my question.
akwater: Sure, GoG is slacking on responding, and yet at the same point if GoG tells him oh change your drivers, or try this, or try this he can say I dont wanna........ which is effectively what he has already said.

If they tell me to change my drivers, then yes, I won't do it for the reasons already stated: it could affect other, newer games; and it doesn't seem to work for everyone anyway.
As for "try this, or try this", I'm not responding to your imaginary scenarios. Give me some real things they might say and I can tell you if I am willing to try it or not.
akwater: No one here has ever had to update a driver or downgrade a driver or change a memory card or upgrade their computer to play a game?

Upgrade a driver? No problem there and I've done it. Downgrade or change memory? Hell no, and I refuse to go to those lengths to play *one* game. Nor will I spend money to upgrade my computer for a single game.
If these are the things necessary for me to play KB, then I am willing to say forget it, I'll just never play it on this computer. But my whole point is that I would like to have heard something from GOG. You seem to be missing that aspect as you criticize me for everything else.
akwater: Expecting GoG to patch every game and fix everything that may have ever been an issue with it seems crazy, and yet, Steam also sells this game, has a bigger staff and people have the same issue............. Strange............. so strange
I mean... really I see complaints on um let me count the sites About King's bounty the legend Crash 118,000 results (0.36 seconds) . Is it a GoG problem to fix?

What's strange is how you seem to be going out of your way to completely avoid the real issue here. My entire point in the original post was to express disappointment over not hearing from GOG for two weeks after I submitted a technical issue. Does it matter what other people have suggested? Or what GOG might say if they ever respond? Or what I am or am not willing to do? You are focusing on those questions, but you are ignoring the fundamental issue that GOG has simply dropped the ball on my inquiry.
I have no idea why you feel such a strong desire to defend them, perhaps you're still convinced that I'm a troll. Although like I said at the start, all it seems like now is that you are flailing around trying to justify your original response. To paraphrase you: sad.
Post edited August 15, 2010 by JohnJSal
chautemoc: I love them, but instead of hiring a new PR person, they really should've hired new tech support.

Agreed. It seems like they're trying to get in more customers at a time when they can't handle the ones they have.
GOG have been telling us a lot about all the things they're working on. But it's not like we're seeing a lot of progress at the moment. Hopefully this is just a slump.
EDIT - Nevermind, this whole thread isn't worth the waste of keystrokes...
Post edited August 15, 2010 by cogadh
I'll have to agree. GOG might be small, but at least they could give you:
1) a confirmation they have received you mail
2) a response within, say, 72 hours with either a fast solution, question for more details, an estimation of the time needed to fix it or even a 'sorry, can't help you, here's a voucher for another game'.
And on this particular case: regardless of whether OP did try all the fixes, bottomline is that if a customer takes the hassle of posting this (in clear danger of annoying the fanbase), it is a clear signal that something is going wrong. So thank the guy for his feedback.
chupacabra: ..

So... if i buy a game my system can not run, I should expect a company to patch said game for my system. For example if I buy Crysis day one on a computer that is using a 286 CPU and Windows 3.1 I should expect said company to rework the whole game so it can run on my system and instead of asking the company who made said game i would instead ask say Best Buy to patch it? Or Amazon, or whomever i bought said game from?
Anyone know of any company in the world that patches games for every system configuration out there?
Chupa my problem with the guy is the fact there have been answers to his problem yet he wont even try and see if it works.
He said on the KB section of the board that Steam has the same problem, now, do you see everyone asking valve on their boards to patch the game? Nope.
I mean, really does anyone here go on steam/impulse/gg/d2d or any other forums in the world asking for them just because they sold a copy of a game to patch it even if they didnt make said game?
John, Could you at least try any of the workarounds that have been mentioned? Ie Compatibilty mode, or Virtual Drive, or Drivers, or .ini settings etc etc etc etc??
cogadh: EDIT - Nevermind, this whole thread isn't worth the waste of keystrokes...

Why so negative lately?
Post edited August 15, 2010 by chautemoc
cogadh: EDIT - Nevermind, this whole thread isn't worth the waste of keystrokes...
chautemoc: Why so negative lately?

Trying to quit smoking... again.
cogadh: Trying to quit smoking... again.

Haha! :) Good luck, sir.
cogadh: Trying to quit smoking... again.

Me too 8 months & counting how about you?
I think in a way the OP is right. At least for one thing. GOG should have given some sign of life to him. As a customer, even if he asks a stupid question (in general) they should give a reply of the "we got your email, we are sorry we can't help you at the moment" or something.
There is no good excuse for not replying to emails sent to support, even when you have a forum full of other customers who might be able to help.
By not replying they give a very bad message like "we have your money, now fuck off", even if this is not what is going on.
Hell, even an automated response that they can't handle support emails for X days would be fine.
akwater: So... if i buy a game my system can not run, I should expect a company to patch said game for my system. For example if I buy Crysis day one on a computer that is using a 286 CPU and Windows 3.1 I should expect said company to rework the whole game so it can run on my system and instead of asking the company who made said game i would instead ask say Best Buy to patch it? Or Amazon, or whomever i bought said game from?
Anyone know of any company in the world that patches games for every system configuration out there?
Chupa my problem with the guy is the fact there have been answers to his problem yet he wont even try and see if it works.
He said on the KB section of the board that Steam has the same problem, now, do you see everyone asking valve on their boards to patch the game? Nope.
I mean, really does anyone here go on steam/impulse/gg/d2d or any other forums in the world asking for them just because they sold a copy of a game to patch it even if they didnt make said game?
John, Could you at least try any of the workarounds that have been mentioned? Ie Compatibilty mode, or Virtual Drive, or Drivers, or .ini settings etc etc etc etc??

Ugh, I have never claimed that I need GOG to flat-out *fix* the game for me. As I already said, I sent the email to them at a time when I didn't know anything about the problem, and then I rapidly began to learn that the problem was common after all. But even if I figured it all out myself and even fixed the problem, that does not diminish my original point of never receiving a response from GOG (twice).
To answer your other question, yes I have tried various methods that were recommended. I tried the ones that seemed like reasonable fixes, such as disabling certain graphics options (AA, VSync, etc.) and running in compatibility mode. None of them worked, and I refuse to make a fundamental alteration to my system (downgrading drivers or installing virtual software) just to run one game.
Post edited August 15, 2010 by JohnJSal