Gundato: I am just saying, if people are going to bitch about Steam's forums not being n00b-friendly and the like, they should keep their mouths shut.
This is something pretty much EVERY community since the dawn of mankind has faced. You have to let people get used to you before you can gain their trust.
Gundato: If someone is getting frustrated and you don't think you can help them, don't help them.
We're GAMERS, for crying out loud. Didn't you see that huge "New objective: fix King's Bounty problem" pop up ;) ?
JohnJSal: That is NOT what I said in my original post. I was posting to complain about GOG customer service, and THAT'S IT!
Well... What's the point ? We already know it can take them a little time to get back to people. That's exactly why we're here to try our best and help people in need.
JohnJSal: I appreciate the suggestions for help, but if I am unwilling to try certain things (...)
And this makes me sad, since I'm used to spending countless hours trying to figure our how to make something work and willing to go to GREAT lengths, as long as the solution will be quite perfect. Bah - after finding one I even tend to lose interest in playing the game itself ;P.
I'm sure this is quite a popular sentiment within our ranks and precisely because we KNOW how annoying being unable to run something properly feels - we try our best to do something about it. For what it's worth - appreciate the good will of the guys here.
Sure - it might have been a misinterpretation. Then again - how can we possibly respond to you basically saying "GOG support sux, kthxbye" ? There's probably one guy sitting there, answering e-mails all day, 5 days a week. Because of that - in a way - WE are also the support.