Ultima 7 The Complete Edition:
The most masterfully executed of the Ultima series
Richard Garriott (Lord British)
Makes it sound like the best one for uninitiated to experience the Ultima world and series, so I'm going to try my luck.
Dzsono: snip Sorapak's "challenge": Solve world hunger by the end of this giveaway (no exceptions! :P).
snip Solved -
Finally The Solution To World HungerDzsono: [i]snip[/i]
(XYCat) Participation this week: post your links to your favourite comic strips.
Here're a couple of comic (strips) on the subject of World Hunger/ Global Food Crisis by Joel Pett:
Experts Say and
AGRIBIZ, Inc.Dzsono: snip suggest (and I use) a giveaway idea to keep things interesting in following weeks.
snip Hmm,... how about a tongue-twister game? You start and then each entrant provides a tongue-twister either in their native language along with translation or in English and all of us have fun trying to pronounce them and (maybe) post about our experience.
Thanks for your generosity and the chance, Dzsono :-)