AndrewC: Problems are due to Sourcemod, the plugin we use to administer the server and the recent TF2 update; it seems that most commands crash the server.
I am right now uploading the new update for Sourcemod as well as the up-to-date plugins and redone config files and will do some testing afterwards.
Sorry to all for the issues and hope that we have everything fixed for tomorrow nights game. I will keep you posted both here and on the Steam group.
evilguy12: I got some announcements from other groups apologising for crashes as well. It seems that everyone has the problem.
Yeah, the latest TF2 update broke most of the admin plugins out there :) The EU Uberchargerd server was closed as well (well, passworded) as well as other servers I usually play on.
Any way, I think we resolved the issues and after some testing last night things seemed to work OK so tonight's game is still on.
Saturday, starting from 20:00 GMT we're welcoming those who are stuck inside and not hitting the town.
Only on GOM - Unofficial Official TF2 Server