Dischord: On topic, but off as to general comments, but imho, Vestin would probably be best suited to a position where command of the English language and the ability to deal with the public were necessary.
Great language skills, the intelligence to come out of the intellectual realm, when required, and local.
Only once did I see his exchange with a belligerent, and nothing but class was displayed by him/her, when attacked most vociferously; an asset in anyones' camp.
Normal disclaimers follow, as I don't know him/her, have never dealt with him/her, and don't anticipate a time where I would need to.
Just an opinion, but if I were doing the hiring, I would feel well served by having 'Vestin' onboard.
Well, I met the gentleman in question and,if handshakes are anything to go by, he's a very nice guy who's keen on courtesy. Of course, this was only an
impression and not indicative of his entire personality.