Red_Avatar: Wow I'm not going to read the entire topic but the first two pages were filled with ignorance and misinformation.
Let's set some things straight:
- IP checks are unreliable. This has been proven again and again in the past. Network hijacking is just one example, but IPs rotate and often has many users when in a dorm for example.
- these companies use shake down tactics, threats and bluff their way to get money. They're scum and if you do say "fine, let's take this to court", they usually back down because they know they lack the needed proof. Except for a SINGLE case that I heard of where the lady in question refused to show up, no-one ever got fined.
- these companies go after anyone who even download small bits of the game and there's no way to prove they even downloaded the entire game. Say I go to a torrent and download the crack to remove the DRM that was initially in my copy before it got patched out - I'd end up on their list. Do you know what you do then? You piss off legal customers.
Really, those who think this is fine, are ignorant and naive and have no clue what they're talking about. True, at least 80% of those targeted will have been guilty but those 20% left, make it not worth it. 20% people getting massive fines over something they know nothing about.
Unfortunately, things really aren't that straight here.
1. Yes, blunt IP checks are notoriously unreliable, but if they are using more than a simple blunt check and they actually take the time to track details like specific dates and times that an IP was used and what MAC address used it, rotating IPs become a moot point, as are shared IPs in places like a dorm.
2. Some of these companies are like that, but we have no way of knowing if that is the case here, especially when you consider the source of the story. They are likely to paint any anti-piracy businesses in a bad light simply because they are such a pro-piracy site, when for all we know, these guys are actually ethical about the whole thing.
3. Please, you can easily prove whether or not you download all or simply part of any file, especially on bittorrent. Besides, the burden of proof is on the complainant to prove that you downloaded the whole thing, not on you to prove that you didn't. Though the fact that they seem to be focusing on Germany might indicate the rules in this regard are a little different there.
Having said all that, I personally have no problems with GOG or their parent company doing this, as long as it s done properly. They have always treated their customers fairly and with great respect and for a bunch of dickheads to then turn around a pirate their games... they deserve whatever they will get. If a few innocent people get caught up in it, well, if they are actually innocent, they have nothing to worry about and won't pay a fine anyway, so I fail to see the problem there. Besides, if the lawyers are actually doing their due diligence the number of truly innocent people caught up in this should be minimal or zero.