KyleKatarn: There aren't any easy answers, are there?
That's the most fundamental thing I've learned so far, yes.
KyleKatarn: I don't agree with eternal ownership, at least in the case of IP. It would be paralyzing. There would be no way to know who the first person was that made an audio rhythm that was pleasing to the listener.
I meant it on the consumer side. You buy a book/CD/movie/whatever, finish it in, let's say, a single day... and you give it to someone else. Assuming it won't deteriorate - more than a 1000 people can get through it within 3 years. If you buy 500 of them, you can cover a MILLION people throughout 6 years. Assuming we applied this to more than 1 thing, people would be going through content like crazy with a pitiful number of retail copies sold.
The above, as you can easily notice, is roughly how a library works and the problems with second-hand stuff...
So complex issues x_x...
KyleKatarn: True enough, I wouldn't own the band. But that song I liked, it's now stuck in my head. Do I just ignore it and pretend I never heard it so it doesn't influence anything I do?
KyleKatarn: Well, this might be the problem for me. I think of ideas and the thoughts going through my head like I do sunlight and fresh air.
KyleKatarn: It's the physical manifestation of ideas that I think of as scarce.
Scarcity is irrelevant. What matters is property. If there are countless apples on nearby trees, you can have any one you'd like but NOT the one I'm holding in my hand. That's MINE - I've spotted it, reached for it and picked it.
If I've fleshed out a character, given him a name, a look, a mindset, memories and dreams... You can't just take him, transplant him and claim as your own. You can get inspired, model another after him, create a different setting, etc... Given enough effort, people can remark that he reminds him of X from Y but it will no longer be a carbon-copy...
Once again - effort. The line IS blurry but common sense usually prevails. It's as easy as distinguishing between fanfics and similar-yet-separate works of fiction.