Posted December 07, 2013
high rated
Well, Im a Steam user and for the most of the time I get my games on Steam until recently I got a bit off from Steam because of the stuff theyre creating recently which doesnt have anything to do with costumers...
I always thought this site was actually better than any other site after Steam and GOG you are doing better than Valve recently, always stay in the side of costumers because they are your pillars.
Recently I got off from Steam because of their stupid policies such as giving ability to developers or moderators to change the reviews on the game.
I like the way your games are DRM FREE which i dont have to install any client in order to install a game I own.
And I can put it in my flash USB and install it anywhere any computer I want without a limitation such as dealing with a client which forces you to close your account if its open on more than a single machine...
One thing I wish is that you release games only on full release, the Steam early access has been turned into another scam, most of the people are unhappy the way their game comes out including myself which I have exactly 8 early access game which I bought because of the fake trailers and the fake promised contents, broken, extremely buggy, poor AI and so on... I wish I didnt get them on the first place because Im not touching them and because I already got off from them.
Steam recently launched a review system which gives ability to write a review on the game you own.
But it also gave an option to the developers and moderators to flag it, or mute, this mostly turned into another scam which some developers are using this as a tool, muting negative reviews and bumping the good ones...
Mostly your negative reviews would be censored or will be deleted.
Anyway Its good to see most of the games on here doesnt require patches thats also another plus.
I like the way this site is doing, i always disliked DRM, when theres a DRM on the top of the game I have purchased it makes me feel like Im a robber, its a game its not a jewelry or something I own it and I dont want you to control it, that simple, another game is the Two Worlds series, I got the games on sale and this game asked me to sign up and put the CD key's I have and so on.. I got it on Steam so if Steam itself is DRM and why should I have to sign for another confirmation? That game I never touched after the screen...
Anyway Im here and I like the way GoG is doing.
I always thought this site was actually better than any other site after Steam and GOG you are doing better than Valve recently, always stay in the side of costumers because they are your pillars.
Recently I got off from Steam because of their stupid policies such as giving ability to developers or moderators to change the reviews on the game.
I like the way your games are DRM FREE which i dont have to install any client in order to install a game I own.
And I can put it in my flash USB and install it anywhere any computer I want without a limitation such as dealing with a client which forces you to close your account if its open on more than a single machine...
One thing I wish is that you release games only on full release, the Steam early access has been turned into another scam, most of the people are unhappy the way their game comes out including myself which I have exactly 8 early access game which I bought because of the fake trailers and the fake promised contents, broken, extremely buggy, poor AI and so on... I wish I didnt get them on the first place because Im not touching them and because I already got off from them.
Steam recently launched a review system which gives ability to write a review on the game you own.
But it also gave an option to the developers and moderators to flag it, or mute, this mostly turned into another scam which some developers are using this as a tool, muting negative reviews and bumping the good ones...
Mostly your negative reviews would be censored or will be deleted.
Anyway Its good to see most of the games on here doesnt require patches thats also another plus.
I like the way this site is doing, i always disliked DRM, when theres a DRM on the top of the game I have purchased it makes me feel like Im a robber, its a game its not a jewelry or something I own it and I dont want you to control it, that simple, another game is the Two Worlds series, I got the games on sale and this game asked me to sign up and put the CD key's I have and so on.. I got it on Steam so if Steam itself is DRM and why should I have to sign for another confirmation? That game I never touched after the screen...
Anyway Im here and I like the way GoG is doing.