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One day I hope to get The Explorer player title on my female Hunter. Then I'll get an ape for a pet and re-name her "Dora".
FatalKitsune: 3.1 is not out yet. It's just a partial download so you don't have to download so much when the patch DOES go live.

oh, yes, you're right, indeed. I just forgot how the patching works, because for last 4 months I played Guild Wars instead of WoW
Been playing WOW since January 2005. The game is so good and so addicting that I have become spoiled rotten by it.
Nothing even comes close... examples:
Bioshock - Bored after 3 hours. Haven't played it since.
Spore - Got to the tribe stage. Haven't played it since.
Oblivion- Got through the first gate. Then quit.
Empire total war- Played the tutorials and the first part of the Independence campaign. Then quit.
Dawn of War II - Played the first scenario. And that was it.
Hellgate london- A hour!
Guild Wars Had staying power. Probably around 15 hours.
I've spent a lot of money on countless other games. None of them could get me to stray from WOW. I probably buy around 1-3 games a month, thinking that I'd find a new alternative. No luck.
I even tried other MMOs like Lord of the Rings Online, EVE, Auto Assault, Everquest II. Nothing was as polished or as compelling as WOW.
Including all the guides (6 Strategy Guides and 2 atluses), Mousepads, the game and expansions (2 Collector's Editions), Monthly fees, Magazines, a $40 book on how to reprogram the WOW interface (1000 pages), the Collectable Card Game (Just 4 starter sets that I got for $5 each), plus Binders, and a laser printer to print out stuff about WOW from various websites to read later (Yes I got the printer ($50) JUST to print out WOW stuff. Inkjet sucks.) all and all (Not including hardware upgrades) I spent about $1500.
I don't regret any of it.
IMHO, WOW is simply the greatest game of all time. And I've been playing games since Pong in the 70's.
All for the price of a Pizza ,$15, once a month. The extras are just souvenirs for when they eventually shut down the servers. Gotta love nostalgia.
Got my eye on one of those Figureprint statues. God knows I put a lot of time into my main character. Having a custom statue of him would be cool.
No offense, but comparing WoW with Bioshock, Spore and such games is like comparing oranges with apples.
I like Guild Wars, it has what WoW has not - a story. WoW is now just a bunch of quests and quest chains, there is no higher goal, than just grinding dungeons or play PvP (which is IMO better in GW) and also I like about GW that there are armor sets from the beginning, so you won't wear green helmet, red cloak, blue cuirass and boots and so on. Yes, there are sets in WoW, but they are either temporary (low lvl ones) or in end game content so you have to grind. And guild halls are great idea too.
On the other hand I like crafting in WoW, also I like the chance to play stealthy game (rogue, druid) and the persistent world is much better, AH is great too. But GW 2 has a potential so we will see
Id join in but Ive switched over to Warhammer Online which, in my opinion, are far more fun.
Although, WoW is better on the roleplaying part. Might jump back in sometime, but right now I can only afford one of them.
Backe: Id join in but Ive switched over to Warhammer Online which, in my opinion, are far more fun.
Although, WoW is better on the roleplaying part. Might jump back in sometime, but right now I can only afford one of them.

I don't like WAR, because it just doesn't feel right to turn the WAR universe into an MMO.
michaelleung: I don't like WAR, because it just doesn't feel right to turn the WAR universe into an MMO.

Maybe, but I still like it more then WoW. I think the whole theres-actually-a-war-thing is what makes me prefer it over WoW
Not enough players so far, I'll make a topic on the Saurfang realm forums and describe what the guild is all about, (raid for DRM Freedomz and the way games used to be ! ), so we can round up at least 10 people.
edit - done, posted on the realm forums
Post edited March 16, 2009 by greedz
klaymen: I like Guild Wars, it has what WoW has not - a story. WoW is now just a bunch of quests and quest chains, there is no higher goal, than just grinding dungeons or play PvP (which is IMO better in GW) and also I like about GW that there are armor sets from the beginning, so you won't wear green helmet, red cloak, blue cuirass and boots and so on. Yes, there are sets in WoW, but they are either temporary (low lvl ones) or in end game content so you have to grind. And guild halls are great idea too.

Someone else who shares my love of GW and thinks that GW>WoW (I thought I was the only one)
and just to add something here:
WoW is addictive, oh yes it is. But is it a good game? no
It's not fun or interesting. Yes, 8 million people CAN be wrong
if you cant see that the whole point of the game is for it to be addictive, and never let it feel complete, because that means people will keep paying to play it (i.e. lets add a new patch that will make your lvl 80 useless so you have to spend another month fixing it or start a new character at which point we will do the SAME THING), then you deserve being so obviously robbed
yall be paying for GRIND
and not just money wise, the time spent too
And don't give me that people interaction/i do it for roleplaying! bullcrap because that always basically amounts to some emo fagirls/fanboys pining for attention. "look at me, look at what my character is doing", "no look at MY character"
it's such bullshit
don't even bother trying to counter this or defend it to me because you will fail at convincing me that WoW is a good game
Sadnasser: IMHO, WOW is simply the greatest game of all time. And I've been playing games since Pong in the 70's.

set the bar higher, please.
Post edited March 16, 2009 by syndigpojke
try playing L2 for some time and then tell me anything about grinding :-D
syndigpojke: And don't give me that people interaction/i do it for roleplaying! bullcrap because that always basically amounts to some emo fagirls/fanboys pining for attention. "look at me, look at what my character is doing", "no look at MY character"

You completely fail at understanding the concept of roleplaying and how complex it has become in WoW.
And please /shoo, this topic wasn't meant to be a debate about how GW is a single player MMO or WoW being overrated.
greedz: You completely fail at understanding the concept of roleplaying and how complex it has become in WoW.
And please /shoo, this topic wasn't meant to be a debate about how GW is a single player MMO or WoW being overrated.

that is great that there are some complex and interesting instances of roleplaying in WoW
but i still found the majority to be laughable
[post removed]
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Post edited July 11, 2009 by Destro
How's this for flip-flopping on an issue. My last post in this thread was March 15th. Now it's July and I am still trying to find something to replace WOW with.
I'm trying to quit playing. But it keeps pulling me back in. This game is fun, and there's no other game like it, but when boredom sets in get ready for a crash. I see now that WOW (And probably other MMO's also) can be very harmful.
I no longer feel like leveling any of my characters because I've done just about every variation of quest that the game has. On my main character I have 2000+ quests completed. (The game keeps track) have 36 days played on just my main. 864 hours on one character.
There are two websites that I've found that are helping me to quit. There will probably be more popping up as time goes on.
The game is designed to keep you playing and to keep you paying.
By the way: I heard that they are now down to around 5.5 million players. They tried to switch providers in china and are now in court being sued by The9. Chinese players have been unable to log on for a month.
My wife and I avoid both obsession and boredom by having two days a week on which we do not log on at all. I enjoy it too much to quit, not to mention the people with whom I enjoy playing. Those two days allow it to fade a bit from the front of my mind, which is a very good thing.