pH7: Out of curiosity; what kind of data would such a tool collect? I've looked at the Template:Installerinfo source as that's what I believe is the master source for this information on the wiki, but I'm not sure I understand exactly how it works, or should work.
The InstallerInfo template uses the following format
For multi-file installers, the format becomes
|Name=Size/version/date/filename1&md5hash1&filesize1;filname2&md5hash2&filesize2;...;filesizeN &md5hashN&filesi zeN
Now, on to the fields.
The |Name is arbitrary. We do try to keep it relevant to the game, for better readability, but that is defined by the gamepage. The gamepage looks at ProductInfo -> name to see which entry to pull from the InstallerInfo template. For example, the name entry for Gabriel Knight 2 reads
|name = Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within
so it looks for the InstallerInfo entry with name as above. If the name (both on gamepage and InstallerInfo) was GK2, the pages would work the same.
The Size is the total size of the installer. For single file installers that is the same as filesize, for multiple ones it's the total size. Value is in MB or GB (1GB=1024MB, 1MB=1024KB etc).
Version is the installer version as reported by the installer itself, either through the filename (for newer) or through the properties (for older).
Date. This is a tricky one. The date is the date the installer was last modified, and so far it seems the only reliable way to get it is by checking the http-headers, for the last modified part. Sude could probably tell you more about it, but I can try looking for the thread where we discussed it.
On to the big part now. Filename&md5&filesize. All should be self-explanatory.
The name and date part could be corrected manually, assuming there is a reliable way to mass hash the files. Then there is also the question of making the script differentiate between the different language versions (check of language string?) and Mac ones (setup vs .dmg I guess).
Assuming Eli finds the needed time to finalize the Template, the pages should be able to display quite a few more installers, like the [url=]Heroes 2[/url] page currently does.
Not sure how coherent my explanation is atm, feel free to ask for more clarifications.