Posted May 15, 2010

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia

damaged lemon
Registered: Nov 2008
From Canada

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia
Posted May 15, 2010
Depends on how much lube is used

The Creeper
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted May 15, 2010

Also you guys should post your Skype usernames. Or mail them to me if you prefer? Mine is destricted.
Wed/Thur are my regular days off, So I'm good any time during those periods.
Otherwise after 4pm pst is gonna have to be a requirement for me. :C

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia
Posted May 15, 2010
Well you could always produce the show in a modular manner, do a series of segments with whoever is available at a certain time and interweave them into the main thread of the show.
Say in a break in conversation, throw to the FenixP, Maighstir & Aliasalpha duelling banjos segment and for the next few minutes you just hear screaming, people smashing banjos and swearing vehemently in 3 different languages
Say in a break in conversation, throw to the FenixP, Maighstir & Aliasalpha duelling banjos segment and for the next few minutes you just hear screaming, people smashing banjos and swearing vehemently in 3 different languages

Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted May 15, 2010

Say in a break in conversation, throw to the FenixP, Maighstir & Aliasalpha duelling banjos segment and for the next few minutes you just hear screaming, people smashing banjos and swearing vehemently in 3 different languages
It's better when it's live.

damaged lemon
Registered: Nov 2008
From Canada
Posted May 15, 2010

Wed/Thur are my regular days off, So I'm good any time during those periods.
Otherwise after 4pm pst is gonna have to be a requirement for me. :C
Alrighty. Thursday, June 3, 2PM PST.
Add me to Skype, please.
Hmm, yeah, it'll be easier for anyone interested to add me versus posting names. Just be sure you include a message with your GOG username so I know who you are.

Say in a break in conversation, throw to the FenixP, Maighstir & Aliasalpha duelling banjos segment and for the next few minutes you just hear screaming, people smashing banjos and swearing vehemently in 3 different languages

Yeah, and 10x easier to edit (if we edit). I suppose we could do both though (live + add weird shit later if people want).
I enjoy the banjos screaming etc. Maybe eventually the show will morph into something Spaceghost-esque.
Post edited May 15, 2010 by chautemoc

Registered: Nov 2008
From Sweden
Posted May 15, 2010

Say in a break in conversation, throw to the FenixP, Maighstir & Aliasalpha duelling banjos segment and for the next few minutes you just hear screaming, people smashing banjos and swearing vehemently in 3 different languages
Did you sign me up for something I don't know about yet?

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia
Posted May 15, 2010

Say in a break in conversation, throw to the FenixP, Maighstir & Aliasalpha duelling banjos segment and for the next few minutes you just hear screaming, people smashing banjos and swearing vehemently in 3 different languages

It was only this
Oh and that half million euro personal loan

The Creeper
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States

damaged lemon
Registered: Nov 2008
From Canada
Posted June 02, 2010

Haha, sorry, been so busy lately, been meaning to post here.
I'll throw in some suggestions tomorrow. Everyone else feel free to throw in theirs...
Edit: added a couple. Games we've been playing I'm thinking will be a regular segment so I went with that....E3 is the other, games we're anticipating there. I'm going, so we could also do a post-mortem thing next month, or shortly after if there's enough interest.
Will think of more tomorrow maybe.
The music I was gonna use I can't get actually but I found something maybe even better from another friend of mine -- see here. I've got a better quality mp3, so no worries.
You still need to add me to Skype (username = destricted)!
Post edited June 02, 2010 by chautemoc

damaged lemon
Registered: Nov 2008
From Canada
Posted June 02, 2010
Not hearing much interest. We may have to postpone. :(

Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted June 02, 2010
I'm very up for this.

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia
Posted June 02, 2010
you're turned on by some weird things vagabond

Registered: Sep 2008
From Australia
Posted June 02, 2010
Post edited June 02, 2010 by Shalgroth