Posted March 22, 2013
high rated truly is an oasis in the see of writhing chaos that is the DD scene, and due to GOG's perseverance several titles once thought to be beyond all hope(SS2, for one.) of future resale are now on sale & available once more.
As such, it truly is the old-school gamer's Isle of Lost Dreams. Because of all the good GOG has done for gamers over the years & the good done for me by various kind souls here I have decided to give everyone a chance to see some more of their dreams fulfilled.
How so, you ask? Simple. I will(similar to my Party All the Time thread.) be awarding 5 random whiners(1 a month) 1 copy of System Shock 1 if/when it drops on GOG in the future.
To enter, simply post here and say you're in while also mentioning another title(Preferably one we haven't heard people asking for all the time like NOLF 1&2/Diablo/etc[I like to use people's game suggestions to find new games I might not have heard of from time to time.], but you're free to suggest whatever game you like which you want to see on GOG someday.) you'd like to see on GOG someday.
Contest starts now, and ends whenever GOG drops the other half
of the glory that is System Shock into our proverbial "laps".
GL everyone. :)
Addition/clarification: While I really hope/wish the winners don't/won't do it, I don't mind if someone who wins decides to trade their copy.
Second Addition: Anyone who doesn't want to enter can give their entry to someone already entered in the giveaway to improve their odds.
Script Kiddies:
1. Spinorial......................11. AdamBiser.......................21. Te_Lanus......................31. Milanche
2. Stooner.......................12. JogsterXL.........................22. Big_Boss......................32. Nadenitza
3. Dracomage1996...........13. Hesusio...........................23. Daynov..........................33. Celton88
4. TinyE..........................14. RichieBerry......................24. Park_84.........................34. Thespian*
5. Demut.........................15. SirEyeball....................... 25. Richmondody.................35. Spinorial(via Momo1991)
6. Nemorian.....................16. Point Man........................26. Death2Videodrome.........36. Chimerical(Via 51Nikopol)
7. ErekoseDM..................17. Rodzaju...........................27. 999888..........................37. Roman5
8. MoP............................18. Klaattu.............................28. Klaattu(via K_1269)........38. DarkoD13
9. Chimerical....................19. Soyeong..........................29. Khnk222.......................39. MorphysLaw
10. Licurg.........................20. Trid.................................30. Teshra...........................40. AdamBiser(Via Ian)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
41. JohnKi........................51. Viperfdl
42. JohnWalrus.................52. Austrobogulator
43. Uchristensen...............53. Maggotheart
44. WireHead....................54. Lolfang
45. FleXo..........................55. Ric1987
46. Barefoot_Monkey.........56. Oasis789
47. WarbossAohd..............57. RadonGOG
48. McDon........................58. Mrkgnao
49. Malv0isin.....................59. Lugum
50. RetroJaro
As such, it truly is the old-school gamer's Isle of Lost Dreams. Because of all the good GOG has done for gamers over the years & the good done for me by various kind souls here I have decided to give everyone a chance to see some more of their dreams fulfilled.
How so, you ask? Simple. I will(similar to my Party All the Time thread.) be awarding 5 random whiners(1 a month) 1 copy of System Shock 1 if/when it drops on GOG in the future.
To enter, simply post here and say you're in while also mentioning another title(Preferably one we haven't heard people asking for all the time like NOLF 1&2/Diablo/etc[I like to use people's game suggestions to find new games I might not have heard of from time to time.], but you're free to suggest whatever game you like which you want to see on GOG someday.) you'd like to see on GOG someday.
Contest starts now, and ends whenever GOG drops the other half
of the glory that is System Shock into our proverbial "laps".
GL everyone. :)
Addition/clarification: While I really hope/wish the winners don't/won't do it, I don't mind if someone who wins decides to trade their copy.
Second Addition: Anyone who doesn't want to enter can give their entry to someone already entered in the giveaway to improve their odds.
Script Kiddies:
1. Spinorial......................11. AdamBiser.......................21. Te_Lanus......................31. Milanche
2. Stooner.......................12. JogsterXL.........................22. Big_Boss......................32. Nadenitza
3. Dracomage1996...........13. Hesusio...........................23. Daynov..........................33. Celton88
4. TinyE..........................14. RichieBerry......................24. Park_84.........................34. Thespian*
5. Demut.........................15. SirEyeball....................... 25. Richmondody.................35. Spinorial(via Momo1991)
6. Nemorian.....................16. Point Man........................26. Death2Videodrome.........36. Chimerical(Via 51Nikopol)
7. ErekoseDM..................17. Rodzaju...........................27. 999888..........................37. Roman5
8. MoP............................18. Klaattu.............................28. Klaattu(via K_1269)........38. DarkoD13
9. Chimerical....................19. Soyeong..........................29. Khnk222.......................39. MorphysLaw
10. Licurg.........................20. Trid.................................30. Teshra...........................40. AdamBiser(Via Ian)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
41. JohnKi........................51. Viperfdl
42. JohnWalrus.................52. Austrobogulator
43. Uchristensen...............53. Maggotheart
44. WireHead....................54. Lolfang
45. FleXo..........................55. Ric1987
46. Barefoot_Monkey.........56. Oasis789
47. WarbossAohd..............57. RadonGOG
48. McDon........................58. Mrkgnao
49. Malv0isin.....................59. Lugum
50. RetroJaro
Post edited April 06, 2013 by GameRager