Posted September 05, 2012
low rated

As topicstarter mentioned, he used to be a GOG user for years and has bought a lot of games here. Notably, a lot of old games, which were not supposed to run on Windows 7 on the release day.
Now it's the first time he faced some trouble with a single game, which is pretty freaking good result for a small company.
As the same topicstarter mentioned, support did actually try to help one way or another. But even now support isn't refusing to help in general — just asking to wait.
But no! Our hero doesn't want to wait. Seems like he doesn't even want to play the game. He wants a refund! Even if it's not possible by policy of the site.
So, if you ask me, I guess that topicstarter just had bought a game which he didn't like. And after he didn't succeed in «returning bad game to store», he came to whine.