stonebro: Wouldn't it make more sense to have a competition about slapping GoG stickers in places where the potential for attracting attention (and new customers) is highest?
Because right now all we're getting is stickers slapped on some random bridge supports. Sure, the background makes for a nice picture, but I doubt many people are ever going to see that particular sticker. Most gamers don't go around ogling bridge supports.
I stick by my suggestion of getting a sticker up somewhere during a major televised sports event. Any french care to tape one to Federer's shorts during the French Open? :D
My ones are on two bridges that many people walk over in Newcastle, so they'll be seen by plenty of folks, but I don't really think thats the point.
I doubt they are sending these out expecting them to be a massive advertising push. GOG is a very specific site, as its not just about gaming, but retro gaming.
They already have plenty of web-based advertising for that purpose, and it works very well.
I just wanted to get some arty pictures (the lock) and some with major landmarks in (Newcastle bridges, as well as the soon to be destroyed car park that was in get carter).