da187jimmbones: I'm looking for a nice military type shooter with a lot of fun, at least semi realistic sniping. By sniping I mean that the game has some parts where your avatar sneaks around in camo with a sniper rifle and picks off the enemy one by one. Any recommendations? A gog game would be nice, but I'm open to non gog games as well.
First of all, Sniper Elite might be worth a shot, but I have never actually played it.
ArmA: Cold War Assault: It's basically a simulator of war. You get shot, there will be consequences, you either instantly die or will have to crawl .. well it's generally unpleasant. And the game gives you a feeling of being part of an army - you feel like you're just a person in all that hell, and nothing really revolves solely around you.
Ghost Recon: You don't have to be a sniper but you get to pick loadout. It's a squad-based tactical shooter, you order your squad around and try to support them as best as you can. You can also switch between members if I remember correctly.