Gonchi: I somewhat doubt Activision is even remotely involved. Why would they actively conspire against AGDi but not Infamous Adventures/Infamous Quests (who released VGA remakes of Space Quest 2 and King's Quest 3, and have their own QfG inspired Adventure/RPG Quest for Infamy confirmed for release on GOG) or Phoenix Online (released the episodic King's Quest Silver Lining fan game and have already released Cognition on GOG)? Not to mention that they owe a large chunk of that revived interest in their IPs to these and other fan groups.
I wasn't saying Activision was involved- simply stating that GOG might be trying not to open the door for conflict there.
There is difference between Infamous Adventures/Infamous Quests's remakes and Himalaya's... IA/IQ offer a remake of only one game out of a multigame package being sold. Himalaya offers an entire marketed package, giving no reason for a consumer to purchase KQ 1-3. It still seems like a feasable reason to not have them on GOG to me, because from a marketing and finance standpoint, there's more of a chance that adding IA/IQ would potentially increase purchase of the other games, whereas Himalaya addition would almost promise a decline by it's offering a complete package. But regardless, without being told one way or another, we can only speculate.
With Phoenix Online, it's offering a fan game, which is different than a remake. Remake is a copy of the original, with tweaks and/or enhancments, whereas the fan game only has character names and references to the original franchise with a new story. Fan games rarely threaten sales of an original.
I appreciate your points, as i was not aware of IA/IQ's remakes before. It definitely makes me wonder more, as my original point is less likely knowing that context.
PS- I own Al Emmo and have been meaning to give it a try. I have no idea if it's good or not, and I know that GOG tries to generally filter games it sells, especially from indie games. Maybe that'll lend some insite (or not).