Well i agree with the answers from Shapedragon, beside that i would like to add that the success of this site surely didnt pass unseen by other on-line sellers Valve-Stem as first, you can check lately they are adding pc ports of old SEGA consolle games in example, and the LucasArts Adventure pack is something quite important to understand how the retro gaming is now considered sellable.
I bet they come here to check the wishlist and try to get those titles on Steam, ofc with DRM etc.
Beside the fact i find opinable what interest could have anyone in playing a beat'em up like altered beast in 2010 on a pc without a digital joystick, its a clear signal that Stem heads are considering the retro-gaming something that actually can have more weight than planned.
Steam has many advantages on GOG to get whatever they want as "old games" cause they use copy protections, they sell games at higher prices, and they have contracts with all the majors, so if Bioware will relase a DD version of Planetscape Torment one day, we will see it on Steam at 15/20 € with all the restrictions Steam has.
GOG surely knows that better than me, so thats the reason why they are exploring other possibilities.
Thats the reason why i personally think if GOG could get the rights to distribute other platform games it could be a big plus, in example getting Cinemaware catalog (AMIGA orignal roms ofc ) or ultima orignal roms, zelda, FF or whatever epic saga/game... it will result in a worldwide bump in GOG relevance as DD games site, as every computer magazine in the world will write something positive about it surely.
I say GOG should go for the game, not the platform, dont think playing kick off or speedball with keyboard could be so fun, strategy, rpgs , simulations games, point click adventures are games that can be played now without loosing the feeling that original had.
Post edited June 10, 2010 by gas.gas