RighteousNixon: Not waiting early access games just makes zero sense in my book. Its not like people are forcing you to buy early access games. If your not interested in early access games then simply skip over them, its that simple. Its not like early access games aren't properly labeled as such. Why would anyone want GOG to lose out on a significant potential income stream, simply so you they won't have to see early access titles on the site? Again, makes no sense in my book when all you have to do is skip over such titles.
I don't think that's initial issue especially if you solve it like I said, separate it between "normal" catalogue and early access games then you only look for the normal to avoid it.
The problem is more its potential affect on the business. Developers find it convenient to keep customers testing their product because it's cheaper and they can give up whenever they want because customers aren't supposed to expect a final product, only access to an alpha or beta and that a finale release may or may not come. If this takes over you can see it will lower the standard for stability of games in general. The chances for this to happen is slim at best especiallt if it happens to arrive here. Also, a reason to avoid this larger issue GOG could easily add an artifical limit of up to 10 or 20 games, there can be no more active early games there and once finally jumps over to "1.0 release" then it opens up a slot for another game.