Schnuff: +1 to the op
In the last months dozens of my games were *updated*.
I never know what just updated and i find it not very good from GOG to do this without
any information. Yes, there is the *The "What did jut update?" thread* but that from forum members.
There is a notification whenever there's an update; if you go to "my account" and click the button that says "new and updated" it'll show you only what has updated. Or you can just scroll down until you reach the game with the update notification flag.
From all those updates i have just a very few installed.
Thats because there are still people like me around with limited internet access who can't
download the entire game again...thats even more problematic with new games because of their immense
size (it would take me a long time to download even 1 GB and would cost me around € 6).
It's quite rare that GOG requires you to have to redownload an entire game and it has only ever happened because the patches involved were so large.
Is it real that hard to just give us only the patch? And a link on the gamecard for the info about the content?
They could, but with the way GOG currently handles patches - by providing only the base installer + latest patch - you'd end up downloading far more, as each patch has to include all previous updates (so when a large update comes up, all future updates would have to be at least as big as that too... e.g. if a 2GB update arrives then all further updates would also be >2GB).
GOG could provide each update separately, requiring them to be installed in order, but this would also be a hassle and I'm sure would lead to further complaints after more than a few patches have been released. Instead of installing the base game + latest patch as you do now, you'd have to install the base game, followed by patch 1, then patch 2, then patch 3, then patch 4 etc...
GOG could provide both kinds of updates, but then they'd need to build and test both sets of patches, including testing compatibility between them etc. This would likely mean that patches would take even longer to arrive than they do now and would increase the risk of issues cropping up.
Today only i got info about 3 updates.
Shadow Warrior 2013 with a patch of 208 MB
Shadowrun Returns with 16 MB
Rise of the Triad 2013 with 347 MB AND all the install files too (with 5.7GB)
The first 2 are good the last is unacceptable.
If this is about the installer working with Win8...say it.
The base installer for ROTT showed as updated but I'm certain that was a mistake, as its version number was unchanged. Also I didn't have any issues applying the patch to the version I had installed.
My last point is that it takes too long for patches appearing here.
Sometimes i read about a patch for a game solving different issues and than it takes weeks till GOG offers it.
Again: More info and the patches only.
This is not Good Old Games anymore. You are selling new games, games that in many cases needs constant patching.
So changing only your name isn't helpful.
Well GOG has to wait for the developers to send them patches first (this is usually the main holdup - GOG can't release what they don't have), then they have to create a patcher, then test it to make sure it works properly & rebuild if there are any errors etc. and this all takes time.