Posted December 19, 2013
I'm a long time member who considers DRM free to be an important thing, but I am still being driven to get modern games elsewhere. The reason: patching.
The GOG patching process for games like Shadow Warrior is terrible. It's not the downloading an exe part that is the problem, it's the delay, the frequent need to redownload the entire game again, and in Shadow Warrior's case even having to uninstall and reinstall. It's just not acceptable.
When you add on the often missing features of a GOG release it becomes more and more a poor option even with DRM free being a strong factor. I do wish I purchased Shadow Warrior on Steam instead, and am staring at the $10 sale price right now wondering if I want to rebuy it. That's not something I should have to consider.
Either fix the patching process or watch modern game sales stagnate.
The GOG patching process for games like Shadow Warrior is terrible. It's not the downloading an exe part that is the problem, it's the delay, the frequent need to redownload the entire game again, and in Shadow Warrior's case even having to uninstall and reinstall. It's just not acceptable.
When you add on the often missing features of a GOG release it becomes more and more a poor option even with DRM free being a strong factor. I do wish I purchased Shadow Warrior on Steam instead, and am staring at the $10 sale price right now wondering if I want to rebuy it. That's not something I should have to consider.
Either fix the patching process or watch modern game sales stagnate.