Posted August 05, 2012

Registered: Sep 2008
From Mexico

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Registered: Jul 2011
From Canada
Posted August 05, 2012
low rated
Japanese games just suck.

Registered: Mar 2012
From Poland
Posted August 05, 2012
It would be great to se games like METAL SLUG ANTHOLOGY, RAIDEN 1+2+3 or IN THE HUNT on GOG. All these games have PC versions. I can bet there is a lot more great japanese games for the PC too.
Post edited August 05, 2012 by retro_gamer

Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted August 05, 2012
It'd be downright awesome to see the old Ys games on GOG. Well, all of them would be nice, too. :P
Sonic Adventure DX too.
And though it's probably never possible due to content, I kinda thought Knights of Xentar had its moments. Was a pretty funny series.
Sonic Adventure DX too.
And though it's probably never possible due to content, I kinda thought Knights of Xentar had its moments. Was a pretty funny series.
Post edited August 05, 2012 by johnki

Registered: Jun 2009
From United States

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Registered: Mar 2010
From United States

Le Moustache
Registered: Jun 2011
From Other
Posted August 06, 2012
I also wish for more variety on GOG. I love how different old Japanese games are. I'm not going to take side, I grew up with a ton of JRPGs and action games from both East and West.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Mexico
Posted August 06, 2012

Registered: Apr 2011
From Hungary
Posted August 06, 2012
I agree, but only the ones with good translations. JRPGs destroy the immersion when not translated decently, for me, anyway.

Registered: Jun 2009
From United States
Posted August 06, 2012
Ladies and gents, I also present Vietnamese Pokemon Crystal:

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Registered: Jul 2011
From Canada
Posted August 06, 2012

Registered: Apr 2011
From Hungary
Posted August 06, 2012

Registered: Dec 2010
From Croatia
Posted August 06, 2012
I would definitely love to see these games on GOG. I've contacted every company responsible for developing or distributing the Metal Slug Anthology PC in Europe but none of them ever replied. So I ended up buying it through eBay, and I've got to say that they didn't do a very good job with the PC version. The game uses Tages, there's only one save slot per game and one save file for all the games (had to manually make back-ups of the save file after I overwrote my save accidentally several times), Metal Slug 6 is poorly emulated with some audio and video glitches, there's hardly any video options, and there are no extras. But to be fair, the game is uncensored, and the performance is perfect, no slow downs whatsoever. So if it does come to GOG, I hope it's a new version through a new distributor.

Get Showgunners!
Registered: Jun 2011
From Poland
Posted August 06, 2012
Only Japanese games I really want to see on GOG are the Silent Hill series, Metal Gear Solid and maybe the Resident Evil games, oh yeah, and DMC and Chaos Legion. I don't think that with Konami and Capcom the language barrier is the problem. :P (not to mention that I'm sure that they have European offices which are capable of communicating with their Japanese bosses)

The Creeper
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted August 06, 2012
As a long time user of this forum, and a long time gamer in general, I've seen a lot of hesitation from Japanese game developers to re-release older games, and I think a lot of it comes from their culture more than it does from a desire to not earn money.
I think a lot of companies feel like "Oh well, if we can get fat and rich off releasing the same product time and again without any updates, what good are we as a game company? We should only make new things, and we should make them more brilliant than before!"
It seems lately however, a lot of companies are opening up to the western ideas of "just keep selling until nobody buys, and then talk about releasing a sequel so they'll continue buying and then do the same thing to the sequel."
Capcom FINALLY re-released Marvel Vs Capcom 2 not too long ago, and have been handing some of their older PS1 games out to Sony like candy, and Nintendo over the past few years has managed to get Square to re-release many of the older Final Fantasy games (But not without a graphics update, retranslation, and generally mucking about with everything).
The Japanese have a lot of pride in the work they're doing right now, and they respect the work that has been done in the past, but they don't feel like they should exploit the works that have been done in the past to continue making new games, they feel like their new games should support them entirely.
It's like going "Sir, our re-release of Darkstalkers on PSN has outsold Marvel Vs Capcom Ultimate Edition!"
Anybody would feel bad in a situation like that and they don't want that to happen.
I think a lot of companies feel like "Oh well, if we can get fat and rich off releasing the same product time and again without any updates, what good are we as a game company? We should only make new things, and we should make them more brilliant than before!"
It seems lately however, a lot of companies are opening up to the western ideas of "just keep selling until nobody buys, and then talk about releasing a sequel so they'll continue buying and then do the same thing to the sequel."
Capcom FINALLY re-released Marvel Vs Capcom 2 not too long ago, and have been handing some of their older PS1 games out to Sony like candy, and Nintendo over the past few years has managed to get Square to re-release many of the older Final Fantasy games (But not without a graphics update, retranslation, and generally mucking about with everything).
The Japanese have a lot of pride in the work they're doing right now, and they respect the work that has been done in the past, but they don't feel like they should exploit the works that have been done in the past to continue making new games, they feel like their new games should support them entirely.
It's like going "Sir, our re-release of Darkstalkers on PSN has outsold Marvel Vs Capcom Ultimate Edition!"
Anybody would feel bad in a situation like that and they don't want that to happen.