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Like the topic title says, GoG needs more AAA releases, not current ones necessarily, but big ones, like the stalker games. It would bring the attention of mainstream pc digital buyers who dont know about GoG, and only know about Steam. I think they should have for example, the first Call of Duty with its expansion pack for $9.99. I would buy that. Activision is already on board isnt it? What do you people think?
I think basically everyone agrees with you but if they can't get more highly-desired older games from, say, Activision here, I can't imagine how they'd get newer games from Activision here. (We haven't seen an Activision release here in ~2 years.)
Post edited May 01, 2014 by tfishell
high rated
I read "i" instead of "l" in the last word of the title and wholeheartedly agreed, but I agree with the intended meaning as well. :)
Well, they arent that new anymore. 2 years, damn, GoG should push for more releases from them. Indie games can only take them to an extent.

And big titties are nice too. :)
GOG already has the likes of Deus Ex, System Shock, Thief, and most of the major RPGs of the past decade. They're missing a few of the obvious ones, but honestly, think about the game approval process.

I'd assume it's not as easy as one would hope to get some of these signed.

It's like programming video games. Where the consumer only sees the finished product, but the underlying code is infinitely more complex than just "having it" in your hands.

When you program as a hobby, you really appreciate the intricacies more, because you realize it's not as easy to do what they do (packaging nice installers, making sure things don't break).
"The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II -- The Rise of the Witch-King"
That's probably the biggest title I know.
You're effectively preaching to the choir.

Of course we want more titles, and bigger titles, but the problem is getting publishers to parlay. Too many only care about dollars and arbitrary, meaningless piracy numbers and think DRM is the only way to go.
tryingnewstyle: And big titties are nice too. :)
Personally I'll take a pair of small natural ones over big synthetic filled ones any and every day. Besides, haven't we been telling women that size doesn't matter? I know I've been trying that my whole life.
tryingnewstyle: And big titties are nice too. :)
OldFatGuy: Personally I'll take a pair of small natural ones over big synthetic filled ones any and every day. Besides, haven't we been telling women that size doesn't matter? I know I've been trying that my whole life.
I prefer a nice B-cup myself.
Charon121: I read "i" instead of "l" in the last word of the title and wholeheartedly agreed, but I agree with the intended meaning as well. :)
I also considered making a Licurg-like comment myself but I see he didn't even need to show up ;-p
The problem with AAA games is publishers need to agree to sell on GOG. No publishers, no games. It's that simple. GOG can't simply wave a magic wand and put any game they want up.
Yep, we definitely need some big GOG titles, some big ol' GOG titles right in my face. Mmmmmmm

Wait, what were we talking about again?
Agreed, but who would sign on? You would need a big following for those potential titles. Valve has Half Life (and derivatives), EA has Battlefield....GOG needs to develop something hot imo or sign on a title/company and give some candy (unique deals for signing exclusive rights) to them.'s GOG's advertising/marketing? It always needs new customers and I don't think people are educated enough on DRM to understand why it's a good place to shop. Also needs shiny/cool ads around other sites. ^^
tryingnewstyle: And big titties are nice too. :)
OldFatGuy: Personally I'll take a pair of small natural ones over big synthetic filled ones any and every day. Besides, haven't we been telling women that size doesn't matter? I know I've been trying that my whole life.
Bwahahaha! xD
They would release every "AAA" game publishers allowed, I am sure. You can't force people (customers or businessmen) to care more about it than they do.

P.S. STALKER is already on here.
But many AAA developers/publishers are not interested in DRM-free releases. I don't know why they don't trust the gamers?! Many gamers support developers, even in the countries with the high-rate of piracy.

Developers and publishers should learn this facts:

DRM won't solve their financial problems or piracy. Almost all DRM-protected games are released by pirates/crackers.

GOG system (or other similar distributions) is a better solution for them, because most gamers don't give their "OWNED" games to others freely. Instead of copying, they gift the games or they recommend others to buy games from GOG.